Best way to get a PMC/PSC job

Ace 227

Forum Lieutenant
A contractor appeals to me for the travel, the pay, and the opportunity to save lives in a unique way. I know they often have much more experience than I do but I grew up being trained as a soldier by my dad who was a cop/marksman and also owned his own gun shop and was a gunsmith. Literally since I was 1 year old, that was the first time he put a rifle in my hands, ever since then he has drilled and drilled me on the use of firearms. I have more training and experience than most cops or soldiers and if it weren't for my carpal tunnel I would have enlisted at 18 in the Army, they saw my records and my history, they saw the video of my 867 yard Elk kill and wanted me to go to Ranger school and Sniper school before my contract was even written. But like I said, fate intervened. So this is my second chance, my mom was a cop too but is now a nurse and teaches first aid/CPR, this is my opportunity to take my skills, the things that I have been doing for so long that they actually make me who I am. I can put them to good use, my dads combat and firearms instruction he passed on to me and my moms medical, first aid/CPR and more that she passed on to me. It's my chance to fulfill my destiny is how I feel. I'm 33 and have spent over 30 years practicing and training with firearms, martial arts and first aid skills so that one day I could finally put them to use helping people. Being a Security Contractor is the best way I can think of to fully use those skills and not let that knowledge and talent go to waste when I could be using my skills to save lives and keep others safe. I truly feel as though it's my calling.

Not to be a downer but your "experience" doesn't mean a whole lot. To say you have more training with firearms than cops/soldiers is asinine because what you consider good training may very well be considered inadequate to a company. You're 33 with no military, law enforcement, or EMS experience and nothing to go off of than a video of an 800m shot and your word.

Start with the 50m target, go become an EMT, work in the field for a while, become a Paramedic, work in the field a while, apply to join the local/regional swat team as their medic, work in the field a while. By this point, you could be looking at retiring. Contractors aren't hurting for people. I have several friends who have multiple tours overseas who are being turned away w/o even an interview because they aren't qualified enough.

I understand you not wanting to "give up" on your dream but maybe being a little practical would help you refocus your dream to something more attainable.

p.s., saying that they saw your 800m shot video and wanted to send you to ranger and sniper school just sounds dumb...


Forum Probie
Dumb or not it's true, SSG Whitfield and a Colonel I had just met at Camp Rilea were talking about Sniper school for me but it wasn't after watching the video it was after I qualified expert on the range. And my training with firearms shouldn't be worthless since it's the same training Police get and most of what they get comes from the military. It's not like my training consists of some drunken hillbilly taking me out in the backyard handing me a handgun and saying shoot the bottles. But anyway I give up. I'm tired of defending myself because everybody here grew up in environments where guns were only seen on tv or spraying water in the backyard. Simple fact is nobody lived my life but me and therefore nobody is qualified to judge it but me. And rather than focus on overseas PMC contracting I have decided to focus more on EP and Security work here instead and having my int. or advanced Medic cert will be a big plus to that aspiration.
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Forum Lieutenant
Dumb or not it's true, SSG Whitfield and a Colonel I had just met at Camp Rilea were talking about Sniper school for me but it wasn't after watching the video it was after I qualified expert on the range. And my training with firearms shouldn't be worthless since it's the same training Police get and most of what they get comes from the military. It's not like my training consists of some drunken hillbilly taking me out in the backyard handing me a handgun and saying shoot the bottles. But anyway I give up. I'm tired of defending myself because everybody here grew up in environments where guns were only seen on tv or spraying water in the backyard. Simple fact is nobody lived my life but me and therefore nobody is qualified to judge it but me. And rather than focus on overseas PMC contracting I have decided to focus more on EP and Security work here instead and having my int. or advanced Medic cert will be a big plus to that aspiration.

Good luck and be sure to let us know how it all turns out.


Californian, Lost in Texas
Dumb or not it's true, SSG Whitfield and a Colonel I had just met at Camp Rilea were talking about Sniper school for me but it wasn't after watching the video it was after I qualified expert on the range. And my training with firearms shouldn't be worthless since it's the same training Police get and most of what they get comes from the military. It's not like my training consists of some drunken hillbilly taking me out in the backyard handing me a handgun and saying shoot the bottles. But anyway I give up. I'm tired of defending myself because everybody here grew up in environments where guns were only seen on tv or spraying water in the backyard. Simple fact is nobody lived my life but me and therefore nobody is qualified to judge it but me. And rather than focus on overseas PMC contracting I have decided to focus more on EP and Security work here instead and having my int. or advanced Medic cert will be a big plus to that aspiration.

1. Mall cops don't do anything other than CPR.
2. You are just putting down words at this point. There is a huge difference between shooting an animal in a controlled setting and combat shooting.


Forum Captain
Dumb or not it's true, SSG Whitfield and a Colonel I had just met at Camp Rilea were talking about Sniper school for me but it wasn't after watching the video it was after I qualified expert on the range. And my training with firearms shouldn't be worthless since it's the same training Police get and most of what they get comes from the military. It's not like my training consists of some drunken hillbilly taking me out in the backyard handing me a handgun and saying shoot the bottles. But anyway I give up. I'm tired of defending myself because everybody here grew up in environments where guns were only seen on tv or spraying water in the backyard. Simple fact is nobody lived my life but me and therefore nobody is qualified to judge it but me. And rather than focus on overseas PMC contracting I have decided to focus more on EP and Security work here instead and having my int. or advanced Medic cert will be a big plus to that aspiration.

How can you qualify expert on the range when the military didn't take you?? If you aren't in the military they don't let you qualify on their range. What range, and who qualified you??? Most of the firearms training the police get is worthless, most officers guns don't leave their holsters except for yearly qualifying, so saying you have the same training as the police ain't saying much.
Like most everyone already said, real world experience counts, do you have any?? Do you hold any certs??
Start working, get some experience, then worry about the overseas contract work.
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Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Let's keep this thread civil and free from personal attacks please. Otherwise it's gonna get locked right quick.


Forum Probie
How can you qualify expert on the range when the military didn't take you?? If you aren't in the military they don't let you qualify on their range. What range, and who qualified you??? Most of the firearms training the police get is worthless, most officers guns don't leave their holsters except for yearly qualifying, so saying you have the same training as the police ain't saying much.
Like most everyone already said, real world experience counts, do you have any?? Do you hold any certs??
Start working, get some experience, then worry about the overseas contract work.

Like I said I enlisted in the army at 18, was on 1 year delayed program. During that time I deployed and trained with local National Guard and went with them to Camp Rilea where they put me on the range with an M-16 to see if I could qualify because like so many people they thought I must surely be lying. I shot 37 out of 40 rounds that were on target. Sadly only 2 other guys even broke 30 other than the guy who shot 40 for 40 someone said he was a sniper but I never met so I don't know if he was really or not. Sadly most all of the guys scored in the mid to high 20's I was disappointingly shocked, to be honest I thought that with all the hype of how good military trained shooters are the scores would have been much higher but I guess that's what happens when you make assumptions about people. I also went with them when we took the North High School ROTC kids and I can't remember the name of the system but it's the giant movie screen with the gas powered replica weapons, anyway I shot 60% with the SAW on that and then they had me sit there the rest of the afternoon teaching the kids how to operate it and being their aid gunner. I really don't care if you people believe me about any of this, what started out as me trying to explain where I am coming from and where I want to go somehow turned into you guys thinking I'm trying to say that I am some kind of terminator and you should all bow before me. I couldn't care less, I never would have mentioned any of this except I thought it would help in getting me some direction on where/how to proceed with developing a career. I have already apologized for even bringing up firearms at all and have tried to move on past those statements but it appears some people just can't let it go, so from now on I'm not even gonna respond to questions or statements about anything other than EMT/Paramedic related posts.


Californian, Lost in Texas
Heres one...what is the purpose of headspacing an M2, when must it be done, and what is the one way improper disassembly of the M2 will kill you?

Q2: M249 is a product of which nation, but made in another, why?

Q3: Grazing fire = ?

Ace 227

Forum Lieutenant
All I can say is that you are highly out of touch with the rather exclusive world you are trying to enter. There is a reason that you are receiving such harsh criticism. It is nothing personal against you, it is just that this sort of talk is heard time and time again from those who haven't BTDT. Take this as a lesson, learn from it, adjust your goals accordingly, and I wish you the best of luck.