Best Truck Chassis and Box


Idolizes Johnny and Roy
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This ain't a poll, debate, or argument. I'm just curious as to everyone's opinions and experiences on this subject. I'll spare y'all the painful details leading me to ask this, I'm just curious as to makes and models of trucks and boxes, your preference on each, and why.
F450 with liquid spring would be my choice. 4x4, good turning radius, plenty of power. No more or less reliable than anything else. Liquid spring on any Type 1 chassis is a must.

Have worked in Dodge 4500s, Chevy 4500 (the old kind, not what is out now), E450 chassis, and Chevy 4500 van chassis. Of those I pick the F-series. Never worked in a medium duty (International, freightliner) and don't see why you would want to, the boxes are just not that heavy.

Always like Lifeline boxes. Braun NW, Braun, Excellance, Horton, Frazer also seem to make nice stuff.

Not impressed by our AEVs or Wheeled Coaches. You get what you pay for.

Also worked in Leaders, Demers, Medix, Osage, and McCoy Miller which were meh, although honorable mention to the Demers for surviving a long career and then getting the crap beaten out of it at a busy AMR op.
See my current favorites are the twin F-550s we have at my full time service. It's easy to drive them in compliance with our driving policies, and (I think) they have liquid springs, so I can adjust ride settings to accommodate for these Oklahoma roads. I don't know the make of their boxes, but they're massive beasts that are extremely roomy and thus easy to work in. However, they're older trucks now and starting to break down frequently, so they're being slated for reserve service here soon. I hate our 350s and the specific AEV boxes on them, the turn radius is basically the same as the 550s but on a shorter wheelbase, and the boxes are too tight. The one F-450 we have is an awesome truck as far as the chassis goes, but the box is cramped due to 3 captain chairs. I would believe it if someone told me it was a mini mod. Our Dodge 4500s have decent AEVs (save for the manual loads), but that's all I can say for them. We have an ancient 4wd F-350 that used to be owned by a fire department. The only good things I can say about it are: the box is roomy for it's size, the AC works great in the cab, and it looks cool because it looks like a fire truck. After working here I definitely agree with you and swear by F-series Type I's on a 450 or 550 chassis. Word on the grapevine is that our future truck purchases are gonna be liquid spring F-450s with Demers boxes, so I'm excited to see what those are like when we get to that point.

At my part time job, we have Medix boxes on E-450 chassis. I love the boxes, hate the chassis in every way except for the ride in the back. Our director there's told me that the only reason we stick with the 450 Type III's is because our bays are too small for the 450 or 550 Type I's.
Demers is hot garbage if anything actually breaks. Having to get wiring sources from Quebec is stupid. Also, terrible rear a/c.

Frazier bilt for life!
Demers is hot garbage if anything actually breaks. Having to get wiring sources from Quebec is stupid. Also, terrible rear a/c.

Frazier bilt for life!
Snazzy looking roof though -- space age!
Have dealt with the dodge 5500 gas, f550 diesel, f550 gas, snd the e450 diesel from a boot on the ground and an administrator standpoint.
The e450 is the worst in terms of comfort and longevity.

The dodge 5500 gas is woefully underpowered and the motors blow fairly easily.

The f550 diesel had plenty of power and seemed to do okay on mechanical longevity.

I don’t have enough time with the f550 gas yet to weigh in..