Best station boots


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Hey guys I am looking for the best station boot for the best price. I am looking to spend between 80-140 dollars. If anyone knows a good place to purchase them or to shop online let me know. Thanks.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by a station boot but I bought a pair of Bates with the inside zipper for about 80 bucks around 2 1/2 years ago. Still got em and they are still the most comfortable boot I've ever worn and in decent shape (aside from some discoloration on the toe).

I can't remember what exact model they were but they were the 8" variety I think.
Thanks. Yeah I meant a boot with a side or front zipper 8" height. Bates, I will take a look, thanks.
Try searching the forums for "boots"; there have been dozens (if not hundreds) of posts on this topic over the years.
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At the station I don't wear boots. I walk around in socks. Boots by the door. Step in and go.
Slip on boots called RedBacks. most comfortable boot around. quick to put on. hold a polish. steel toe. Good Luck. Cheers!