Just a dude
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all true things (24/72 is even better), but many departments are less than stellar EMS providers, because Your department seems like an exception to this, but most EMS units get ran into the ground, at least compared to their suppression counterparts. Many of those FFs want to be FFs, they have no desire to do EMS, and if the ambulance (and EMS runs) went away tomorrow they wouldn't miss it. In fact, if they missed a few EMS runs because they were on a detail, oh well, but if they missed a structure fire or a rescue assignment... the guys wouldn't be happy. If it's your week to be on the ambulance or you are on an EMS run, and you miss a fire in your first due because you are tied up on a respiratory
My point was really that if there are folks looking for an EMS job that don't want to be firefighters, they could get an FD job and then turn it in to "EMS only" for themselves by giving up their fire truck rotation days.. Few folks are going to argue with them on that..