Best Boots?


Forum Crew Member
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Just wondering what the best brands are for boots. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
Just wondering what the best brands are for boots. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

well it depends if your into some really durable and sterdy boots or into comfort. Chipawas are good to start off with but wear black socks becuase they stain your white socks and are about 200. steel toe
If your lookinh into a fire career also look into soem southwestern, really comfortable and easy zip-up, nice clean look and will last a life time becuase of the maunfacturers rebuild. about 200 and steel toe
or if you want to go with some low price look into the cop type/swat type boots. never used them about 30-50 no steel toes
I'm sure I went on till I was blue in those other threads, but: DANNERS!!!! They have the best boots out there and the best cust. service, bar none.
my opinion you really dont have to spend a whole lot on boots. wal mart carries a decent pair for $40. i have a pair of bates 8" that i bought for $60.

but if you must, theres always 511tactical. i cant remember if they make the pair thats resistant to bloodborne pathogens.
Anything with a steel toe, and good traction. I HATE shoes that cause one to fall on their bottom, when wet rubber meets hardwood floors.. or waxed tiles. I'm also partial to something that prevents stepping upon on sharp, blunt, rusty objects. Some bunker boots have a plate in the sole. I use ranger I think. Dunno.
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I have always wore Bates. They are comfortable and durable. You can go to academy and get a pair for $80.
Anything with a steel toe, and good traction. I HATE shoes that cause one to fall on their bottom, when wet rubber meets hardwood floors.. or waxed tiles. I'm also partial to something that prevents stepping upon on sharp, blunt, rusty objects. Some bunker boots have a plate in the sole. I use ranger I think. Dunno.

Personal Opinion -- but I disagree with the steel toe; or maybe it was just because of the pair I had but everytime I'd crouch and go to bend my foot upwards, with my toes on the ground, the steel-toe part would feel like it was cutting into my foot; not a good feeling; especially when you "need" to stay in that position for an extended period of time.
I have Rocky Firstmed. I think they are amazing for the price.
Personal Opinion -- but I disagree with the steel toe; or maybe it was just because of the pair I had but everytime I'd crouch and go to bend my foot upwards, with my toes on the ground, the steel-toe part would feel like it was cutting into my foot; not a good feeling; especially when you "need" to stay in that position for an extended period of time.

I'm not a fan of steel toe because it tends to stay put once something collapses it, which can get rather ugly. But there's really no arguing with work requirements, so I wear them...
if you want a pair that will outlast the rest....and more comfortable than the rest.... Haix. Without a doubt the best boot made.
Just wondering what the best brands are for boots. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

I love my Warrington Pro's. They feel like a tennis shoe. When I was in a fire academy, I was always wearing my American I forget the name:unsure: because they shined so much better. Inspection after our morning Pt was very tough on my ankles till Made the switch.
There is no right answer. No one has worn every boot ever made. As for me, I prefer Converse tac boots. One of the most comfortable pair I've ever worn, from day one even
once something collapses it

Once there is enough force to collapses it your foot would have been mince anyway. It takes ALOT of force. I've had big rigs, RSJ's cylinders, and countless other heavy things go over my boot, never had an issue
I'm not a fan of steel toe because it tends to stay put once something collapses it, which can get rather ugly. But there's really no arguing with work requirements, so I wear them...

There are always composite toed boots just for that reason.