Best Boots?

Personal Opinion -- but I disagree with the steel toe; or maybe it was just because of the pair I had but everytime I'd crouch and go to bend my foot upwards, with my toes on the ground, the steel-toe part would feel like it was cutting into my foot; not a good feeling; especially when you "need" to stay in that position for an extended period of time.

I had that problem with my Haix for the first couple weeks I wore them. It took that long to truly break them in. But, it's no longer an issue.
Most of the modern world require them after lifting a weight has been identified as part of the work process.

Actually is has nothing to do with the weight of anything, it has to do with the risk of injury to your feet while doing your job.

OSHA 29 CFR 1910.136(a), ".....The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses protective footwear when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, and where such employee's feet are exposed to electrical hazards."

So by definition, all of us are supposed to wear protective footwear on the job.
Danners Rule

Danner® Acadia Waterproof Duty Boot ...Pricey but good for cold and wet areas of the country...they are a little hot in the summer.

After broken in they wear like slippers...It does take sometime to break in tho.

They stand behind thier product also. I had a pair that sqweeked when I walked after having them for a few months...sent them back and they sent a new pair plus returned my old ones too.

I have had a full reinsert of the waterproof liner and soles on a really old pair for about $100 bucks now they are just like new.

I have always used Danner and never plan to buy anthing else.

Buy Danner!!
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I currently use Baffin work boots they hold up good. I've also used Caterpiller and Harley Davidson brand.