Be sure not to hook this one up to a blood transfusion!


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Blood Energy Potion is a $6 energy drink (availableJanuary 2010) that was made to look -- and have the same nutritional value -- of real blood

"The fruit punch flavor packs 4 hours of energy along with iron, protein, and electrolytes. Not only does Blood Energy Potion have a similar nutritional makeup to real blood, but it has the same color, look, and consistency of blood. Get real blood nutrients without that real blood taste! The re-sealable transfusion bag style pouch provides the convenient delivery of fluids for vampires and humans alike! Contains no real blood, just synthetic! ".

And I thought that the "OMGZ I'MMA VAMPIRE" days started to die with rise and fall of the Twilight popularity... Guess I was wrong. :P
"The fruit punch flavor packs 4 hours of energy along with iron, protein, and electrolytes. Not only does Blood Energy Potion have a similar nutritional makeup to real blood, but it has the same color, look, and consistency of blood.

I would think that plenty of foods and drinks have many of the same nutrients as blood. Maybe because thats where the blood gets them from?

As far as its consistancy, that may be a bit unique in the world of energy drinks.
i really wanna try it. Sip it through out class... lol... i like the idea, will def. look it up.
It's a bit gimmicky, but so are all energy drinks. I'm just sad that it doesn't have "that real blood taste".
hmmm well True Blood has a competitor.

My god I just absolutely have to have some.
it would be funny if they sold an "IV" straw with it. lol
it would be funny if they sold an "IV" straw with it. lol

Hey, if you've got some spare IV or even O2 tubing around...
How about, instead of a beer helmet, you attach a mini IV stand to a helmet and run a line down to your mouth.
now i may actually have a use for that IV pole i found at goodwill...
to be honest, i buy them because they are great for holding spare cables for my electronics. (i admit im a geek, and it holds spare ethernet cable for lan parties)
now i may actually have a use for that IV pole i found at goodwill...
to be honest, i buy them because they are great for holding spare cables for my electronics. (i admit im a geek, and it holds spare ethernet cable for lan parties)

LAN parties.
I wonder if they will have different flavors?

Type A - Cherry
Type B - Fruit Punch
Type AB - Strawberry
I showed this to my son he was like can you buy me a case? Is this one healthier than other energy drinks or is it the same?
I showed this to my son he was like can you buy me a case? Is this one healthier than other energy drinks or is it the same?

My guess is it's just as bad.
heck of a convo starter...I think it would be great to walk into my emt class drinking one of
heck of a convo starter...I think it would be great to walk into my emt class drinking one of

Haha, it would be awesome to see their faces.

Blood Energy Potion is a $6 energy drink (availableJanuary 2010) that was made to look -- and have the same nutritional value -- of real blood

"The fruit punch flavor packs 4 hours of energy along with iron, protein, and electrolytes. Not only does Blood Energy Potion have a similar nutritional makeup to real blood, but it has the same color, look, and consistency of blood. Get real blood nutrients without that real blood taste! The re-sealable transfusion bag style pouch provides the convenient delivery of fluids for vampires and humans alike! Contains no real blood, just synthetic! ".

And I thought that the "OMGZ I'MMA VAMPIRE" days started to die with rise and fall of the Twilight popularity... Guess I was wrong. :P

That's what the jello shots at halloween horror nights looked like... it aint easy sucking jello out of one of those. Hopefully the energy drink is alot more liquid.
I wonder if they will have different flavors?

Type A - Cherry
Type B - Fruit Punch
Type AB - Strawberry

Rh negative for sugar free :P