Bandaging digits


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Specifically fingertip injuries, my preferred method right now is a sterile non-adherent pad cut to size and secured in place with a tubular bandage.

I know darn well I won't always have access to the tubular bandage, so any suggestions that will still give professional looking results?

These are for minor injuries that I can send staff back to work with.

Thank you for any suggestions and tips.
Sterile non stick gauze with some roller gauze around it a few times and (if in the industry) I use duct tape. Yup.. duct tape.. works well!
Also, what about steri strips with a good ol band aid over it.. and some duct tape?

I use both those methods.. which ever seems more appropriate at the time.
Sterile non-adherent pad wrapped with Coban.
I've learned to love steri-strips after I cut my finger open this summer. They work pretty good at sealing cuts, as long as they are covered up.
From experience.

If the wound is an incision, disinfect with betadine, dry off, use Dermabond, or superglue, and a 1/8 inch Steristrip to reapproximete it, put a drop of betadine back on it to kill germs, then apply a strip of plain gauze, NOT telfa, and hold it in pace with one inch Medirip or similar product. After a little while, you might be able to take off the medirip elastic self adherent bandage. Never apply much tension to it unless you are fighting swelling or just overwhelming a little bleeder. If you use tension, watch for circulatory compromise.
If the wound is more messy than an incision, disinfect as above, snip and lay a single layer of Adaptic, then dry sterile gauze, NOT Telfa, and secure with one inch Medirip.
Telfa traps moisture, the result is a macerated wound with devitalized edges. If you want non-stick, put a single layer of Adaptic on, then gauze to absorb blood or drainage. Xeroform may stick after all, and antbiotic ointment etc will not result in non-stick.
If you suspect fracture or you need that finger to hold still to allow clotting and healing to begin, buddy-wrap them.
Use superglue?

Superglue isn't in your protocols?

Dermabond is medical superglue for closing small lacerations, paper cuts, etc. We don't carry it in my dept, but we do have duct tape.

I actually use superglue on myself when I get a paper or knife cut. Works real well, but stings if you don't hold the cut together until its completely dry.
I love teri strips, one over, then one along to cover,

for myself, prevention, followed by sucking, then additional digit pressure, and i i need it a bit of glue,

Never like to go palst the first 2 steps
OK off into the ozone

Cyanomethacrylate (superglue or crazyglue) was tried uot as a bonding agent for orthopaedic repair. Turns out it kills bone and teeth, but bonds very well for some other items.
I have used steristrips and superglue for biomedical equip repairs. I even repaired a plastic legal size clipboard broke in two by a crazed ex-coworker. The combo's in my CERT kit and it's a good use for those leftover un-sterile steristrips.
Old fashioned Tubegauze is the best. But pleae don't hand me a pt with TELFA or bandaids in place for a few days, the results bite.
We've been using superglue on horses for years. Also works on chickens.
Medirip is cheaper and works better.

No scissors, tears better. Yeah, buy it at vet store, better colors, but they got wise and raised their price.
I treat my hand injuries by cleaning the owie with hibiclens, rinse thoroughly, put antibiotic oint on it then wearing exam gloves all day long except to wash my hands and eat. We get MRSA and other staph all the time around here, so I'm uber-cautious.
I've covered smaller cuts with 4x4 cut to size and then cover with tegraderm.

I have to agree with those that have said vet wrap is great stuff! I used to have quite a bit of the stuff around here, but my son has used it to doctor his toy horses and stuffed animals. Need to make another run to the feed store.....
No scissors, tears better. Yeah, buy it at vet store, better colors, but they got wise and raised their price.

I get mine at an ag supply store. It's fun to ask the injured if they have a preference of colors.
You're welcome, Geek

Happy holidays.