I love coming on to these forums and seeing all the speculation regarding a certain department, ususally by someone who has no idea what they're talking about. True ATCEMS is hiring for "medic 1" positions. Whether you're an EMT or Paramedic does not matter. Reasoning behind it has nothing to do with budget problems. In the ATCEMS system approximately 80% are BLS. Therefore, ALS skills are rarely used. Secondly, ATCEMS's plan is a 60/40 split, not EVERY truck. Thirdly, the $15 an hr comes to quite a bit more than 29k per year with built in overtime, and also the ability to pick up a TON of extra shifts. There are not too many EMS only departments in the country that have the depth that ATCEMS has in regards to what you can do in the department. There's Spec. Ops, Tactical, Motorcycles, Bike Medics, Gators, etc. Also, even AS a paramedic working in another state (I.E. California), you're stuck on a private with poor conditions, low pay, no respect, and playing politics to the fire department. Personally, I'd rather take an EMT position with a top rated department making more than most medics in other states, earning city benefits including a pension (similar to CALPERS), and now civil service with the opportunity to promote. Yes, you'll be busy, but that's what you signed up for when you work for the now 14th largest city in the country. So before you spout off with a bunch of nonsense, do some research and get your facts straight!