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Had this patient today:
80 y/o male. Admitted four days ago with COPD exacerbation and pneumonia. Being treated with IV antibiotics rocephin and zithromax. Nurse report's pt. doing pretty well yesterday, no acute distress.
This morning at 0700, nurse notices change in pt. status. Pt. has history of atrial fib and heart rate increases - AF w/ RVR in 170's with RBBB (RBBB reported to be old). At very beginning of RVR pt. was reported to have a BP of 208/100, was pale, dyspneic, and not looking well. Profound pulmonary edema was present with diminished sounds on the right (right sided infiltrate/pneumonia noted and has been baseline since admission), no JVD, pedal or other edema. Pt. is afebrile, wet sounding cough, no chills. No active chest pain or anginal equivalents. Mental status is normal - not altered. Resp rate maintained at 28, mildly labored, SpO2: 100%(15lpm). Baseline was 93% on 2lpm prior to this event. Nurse reported BNP to be elevated yesterday at like 950. No cardiac enzymes available.
12-lead was acquired and physician onscene said she suspected an MI because of ST changes. The print out said consider acute MI which I believe is what she went off of. I didn't see any ST changes or indication of MI. I acquired multiple 12-leads during transfer and none showed ST changes although last one acquired showed some T-wave inversion in V3 and V4.
I arrived and received report that pt. was bolused with diltiazem, received 20mg of Lasix, 1mg of Morphine, and was started on a diltiazem drip at 10mg/hr. Just prior to transfer pt. was started on heparin as well and given another 20mg of Lasix.
Enroute pt. remained current status - no chest pain or change in breathing. I did note a trend with decreasing BP. Initial was 115/60 and trended down to SBP of 98-96 and went as low as 88/54. BP repeated to confirm and diltiazem decreased to 7mg/hr which maintained BP right around 100. Pt. does have history of low-end BP with a BP yesterday of 102/58.
Questions / Discussion:
1) CPAP - due to the profound pulmonary edema and initial pressure reported at 208/100 and increased BNP as of yesterday I was thinking CHF and that pt. may benefit from CPAP. I mentioned it to the nurse but wasn't ordered. With pressure being on low-end with the diltiazem I did have some concern over what the CPAP may have done to the pressure and was okay with the 100% SpO2, normal mentation, and only mild resp distress which pt. rated as a 2/10. Thoughts???
2) Primary problem? My thinking is the pt. had, for whatever reason, the RVR which decreased ventricular filling, created an inefficient pump and resulted in pulmonary edema. Pt. did have some crackles from the pneumonia but no where near as significant as today with this episode.
When the rate was reduced the pt still had the fluid in the lungs and the diltiazem decreased cardiac output and heart wasn't able to move the volume like it should. Hence, remaining with pulmonary edema. And I believe a component of CHF was present.
Should the diltiazem drip been maintained as ordered?
3) What is your impression of what was going on?
80 y/o male. Admitted four days ago with COPD exacerbation and pneumonia. Being treated with IV antibiotics rocephin and zithromax. Nurse report's pt. doing pretty well yesterday, no acute distress.
This morning at 0700, nurse notices change in pt. status. Pt. has history of atrial fib and heart rate increases - AF w/ RVR in 170's with RBBB (RBBB reported to be old). At very beginning of RVR pt. was reported to have a BP of 208/100, was pale, dyspneic, and not looking well. Profound pulmonary edema was present with diminished sounds on the right (right sided infiltrate/pneumonia noted and has been baseline since admission), no JVD, pedal or other edema. Pt. is afebrile, wet sounding cough, no chills. No active chest pain or anginal equivalents. Mental status is normal - not altered. Resp rate maintained at 28, mildly labored, SpO2: 100%(15lpm). Baseline was 93% on 2lpm prior to this event. Nurse reported BNP to be elevated yesterday at like 950. No cardiac enzymes available.
12-lead was acquired and physician onscene said she suspected an MI because of ST changes. The print out said consider acute MI which I believe is what she went off of. I didn't see any ST changes or indication of MI. I acquired multiple 12-leads during transfer and none showed ST changes although last one acquired showed some T-wave inversion in V3 and V4.
I arrived and received report that pt. was bolused with diltiazem, received 20mg of Lasix, 1mg of Morphine, and was started on a diltiazem drip at 10mg/hr. Just prior to transfer pt. was started on heparin as well and given another 20mg of Lasix.
Enroute pt. remained current status - no chest pain or change in breathing. I did note a trend with decreasing BP. Initial was 115/60 and trended down to SBP of 98-96 and went as low as 88/54. BP repeated to confirm and diltiazem decreased to 7mg/hr which maintained BP right around 100. Pt. does have history of low-end BP with a BP yesterday of 102/58.
Questions / Discussion:
1) CPAP - due to the profound pulmonary edema and initial pressure reported at 208/100 and increased BNP as of yesterday I was thinking CHF and that pt. may benefit from CPAP. I mentioned it to the nurse but wasn't ordered. With pressure being on low-end with the diltiazem I did have some concern over what the CPAP may have done to the pressure and was okay with the 100% SpO2, normal mentation, and only mild resp distress which pt. rated as a 2/10. Thoughts???
2) Primary problem? My thinking is the pt. had, for whatever reason, the RVR which decreased ventricular filling, created an inefficient pump and resulted in pulmonary edema. Pt. did have some crackles from the pneumonia but no where near as significant as today with this episode.
When the rate was reduced the pt still had the fluid in the lungs and the diltiazem decreased cardiac output and heart wasn't able to move the volume like it should. Hence, remaining with pulmonary edema. And I believe a component of CHF was present.
Should the diltiazem drip been maintained as ordered?
3) What is your impression of what was going on?