Athiests in EMS

I am starting to have doubts about being agnostic. Now there is a statement loaded with irony if I ever saw one...Anyway, the direction I am leaning is not towards atheism, either.

If praying to God makes you feel better, great. Do it.

If you think religious people have an inner peace, thats also great. I don't think so.

Nothing you said is based on reasoned approach but rather out of a state of depression.
+1 JJR.

I am not atheist or agnostic. I am openly Christian. I do not go around spouting off beliefs at inopportune times but would not hesitate to talk about them if asked by someone.

I don't have a problem working with someone who is an atheist or agnostic. They are people and deserve the same treatment as anyone else. In a job such as EMS, certain events can call into question the presence of God by some. But it's during these times of tragedy and loss that forces us to search and reach out for answers. God is the designer of life. Our intellect and ability to rationalize is very minute in comparison so it's impossible without faith to accept the teachings of Christianity as absolute. And I admit, I struggle with understanding of some things but its faith that keeps me here. There is a part of scripture in the bible that even says, "do not rely on your own understanding, instead put your faith in God".

The answers are there if one opens their mind to find them. How does a book written thousands of years ago tell verbatim what is going on in the world today? Is that just by chance too? I have had things happen, prayers actually answered, and presence felt, I am not imagining. God is real.
There is a part of scripture in the bible that even says, "do not rely on your own understanding, instead put your faith in God".
Yes don't think for yourself. Let others do it for you. I think this is one of the main problems atheists and others have issues with relgion. I could be saying something offensive and I don't mean to but its very important to think for yourself.

I am not imagining. God is real.
Thas is another main problem. There are many religions. They have 1 God, several Gods or no Gods at all. Some even worship extraterrestrials. They insist they are not imagining things either. Kind of difficult to see which one to follow. Nothing wrong with Christianity. It just isn't the only "answer" if we should become religious.

JJR512 didn't other to find a synogogue. He made no appointment with the local Imam. He didn't take up Hinduism or Buddhism. He went right to a chrurch. Why? Because Christianity is the main religion in the area. I will help JJR512 find a synogogue if he wants one being that I am formerly Jewish. The tribe would welcome you with open arms.
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For a long time, I have felt that religious people have something I don't, and that's a sense of inner peace, or serenity, or ease. They might not always act like it on the outside, but when I get to know someone who believes in their religion, it seems that they take comfort in their beliefs. And that's something I lack, but want. The trouble for me has always been that intellectually, I could not fathom believing in anything of a religious nature, some kind of supernatural or supreme deity, entity, or power.

I felt no peace when I was a christian. Filled with fear of disobeying the unseen deity in the sky, terrified I'd miss the rapture. My life was a hot mess. Walking away from religion has given me much more peace. I am the one who has control over my life and no one else. Sure things get in the way I have no control over, but I do have control over my reactions to those situations and how I deal with them. I do hope if you pursue the church thing that it brings you the peace you are seeking though. Life is a journey none of us can walk for another person. If this is the way you feel you need to go, then pursue it openly and hope for the best. Good luck my friend, what ever happens.
I do think for myself and I decided what is true. I've considered the alternatives and to me they make absolutely no sense. The reason I stated that part of a scripture was to illustrate that Christianity does provide answers if one looks for em. God knows our struggles and desires for truth.

I would not label myself "religious" as I do not believe in the man-made ceremonies and theatrics of religion. I believe in the truth and word of Jesus Christ that is written in the Bible.

And again, I certainly do not have all the answers and I lack understanding of many things but I'm not gonna dismiss something solely because I do not understand. Science is not infallible. Some things can not be proven and never will be.

I am not delusional as implied. I know what has happened to me and that specific prayers were answered.
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Taking this back to EMS conversations, how would you deal with this situation? About a year ago I was at the station and the news was on t.v. There was an article about an uproar in Europe over a muslim woman being killed as the result of a hate crime. I remember commenting about it and one of our chiefs saying he didn't care. When asked why I was informed that this woman didn't believe in god and so she did not deserve his concern. He was very clearly Christian and the fact that she DID believe in a god didn't count as it was not his god. I found myselve concerned that if he DID find out I was an atheist things would be hostile. I actually asked him if he would treat a patient if he knew they were an atheist and he refused an answer. I didn't press it, because at that time I didn't feel comfortable the resulting "but I'm an atheist" I was bound to say if the conversation continued.
I do think for myself and I decided what is true.
You just posted a quote from the bible that says not to think for yourself.

I've considered the alternatives and to me they make absolutely no sense.The reason I stated that part of a scripture was to illustrate that Christianity does provide answers if one looks for em. God knows our struggles and desires for truth.
You see thats a problem. Buddhism provides the answers. Judism provides the answers. Hinduism provides the answers. They all provide the answers if you look for them. Budda knows our struggles and has show us the path to enlightenment.

I would not label myself "religious" as I do not believe in the man-made ceremonies and theatrics of religion. I believe in the truth and word of Jesus Christ that is written in the bible.
You believe in the word of Jesus Christ. You don't get more Christian than that.

And again, I certainly do not have all the answers and I lack understanding of many things but I'm not gonna dismiss something solely because I do not understand.
Your dismissing other religions as not having the answers.

Science is not infallible. Some things can not be proven and never will be.
You clearly don't understand science or you wouldn't make that statement. Science knows it doesn't know everything and thats built in to scientific testing. Religion has no testing. It is correct because we say so. Its the word of God. How can God be wrong? If something doesn't make sense, you need to stop thinking and just believe.

I am not delusional as implied. I know what has happened to me and that specific prayers were answered.
No one implied your delusional. You are at least not any more delusional than members of any other religion.
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I think atheists are delusional... but that's just me. Most atheists are really abrasive and "in your face" to the point that they create their own religion based on their whole non-belief system.

I've often wondered why atheists are so committed to making others see their point of view. If you believe in nothing than than why even bother?
I think atheists are delusional... but that's just me. Most atheists are really abrasive and "in your face" to the point that they create their own religion based on their whole non-belief system.

I've often wondered why atheists are so committed to making others see their point of view. If you believe in nothing than than why even bother?

For a thread not directed at you, your comment is very abrasive and in your face. Exactly what you insist atheists do. You obviously do not know a lot of atheists. Nor do you deal with their discriminatory struggles for daring being different than their neighbors, but thank you for taking an EMS related thread and diverting it to a religious discussion only. This topic has clear relevence to EMS, but it's turning into agenda pushing. I've tried to bring it back on track, but apparently that does not matter to you. Your discussion to our agnostic friend would have seemed much more supportive via PM. Instead it was trying to prove a point that your views were true and ours were not. And it has little to do with EMS.

So please, let's get this back on topic before we get a very relevent thread locked. And someone (not you since you appear to be biased) addressed my post above.
My apologies for getting the thread a bit off track as it wasn't my intention. If someone is gonna share their atheist views and basis for them then I am going to share mine.

I've said all I've got to say on the topic.. so no worries about the thread getting locked (least not from my posts :) ).
I think atheists are delusional... but that's just me. Most atheists are really abrasive and "in your face" to the point that they create their own religion based on their whole non-belief system.
Christians are different how? I find most Christians to be abrasive and "in your face". You came to present your point of view in a thread that nothing to do with Christianity.

Atheists don't have a religion.;)

I've often wondered why atheists are so committed to making others see their point of view.
You came here to advocate for Christianity. So you are committed to making others see your point of view. Only Christianity has the answers.
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Let's keep it related to EMS please. Last warning.
Taking this back to EMS conversations, how would you deal with this situation? About a year ago I was at the station and the news was on t.v. There was an article about an uproar in Europe over a muslim woman being killed as the result of a hate crime. I remember commenting about it and one of our chiefs saying he didn't care. When asked why I was informed that this woman didn't believe in god and so she did not deserve his concern. He was very clearly Christian and the fact that she DID believe in a god didn't count as it was not his god. I found myselve concerned that if he DID find out I was an atheist things would be hostile. I actually asked him if he would treat a patient if he knew they were an atheist and he refused an answer. I didn't press it, because at that time I didn't feel comfortable the resulting "but I'm an atheist" I was bound to say if the conversation continued.

Quoting myself so I don't have to retype it, and bringing us back on subject.
If your an EMS provider, the patient's religion should be irrelevant. I have not encountered anyone who would not treat a patient who would not treat a patient outside of their religion.
My thoughts as well, however, my fear is that this individual's thoughts may not be the same.
My thoughts as well, however, my fear is that this individual's thoughts may not be the same.

Clearly, they aren't, at least not as you have described. The bias against atheists or non christians in this case is a problem.

Hatzolah, the Hasidic Jewish ambulacne service pretty much caters to the Hasidic Jewish community. There is a mix of groups within Hatzolah. Some groups are open to treating anyone and do. Some seem to stay away from non Hasidc Jews.
If your an EMS provider, the patient's religion should be irrelevant. I have not encountered anyone who would not treat a patient who would not treat a patient outside of their religion.

Another atheist here, and I agree. I also think the converse is true, a providers religion should not matter to the patient. This means if I decline to say Hail Marys or the Lord's Prayer with you, and instead offer to contact the hospital chaplain when we get there, please accept that answer and move on.
I agree Aidey. I haven't been asked to pray with a patient, but hopefully I can respond gracefully. I feel that honesty is at the core of who I am and to pray with someone when I don't believe in a listening higher power is lying both to the patient and to myself. I've witnessed much harm at the hands of religion so in good concience I do not feel I could be a good provider by stopping and praying. I would however be respectful if they chose to pray and if possible stop interventions long enough to permit that moment. If they were too critical though, I can not and will not stop for anything. Their life would be in my hands at that point and I become responsible.
Another atheist here, and I agree. I also think the converse is true, a providers religion should not matter to the patient. This means if I decline to say Hail Marys or the Lord's Prayer with you, and instead offer to contact the hospital chaplain when we get there, please accept that answer and move on.

I'd offer to ask for the hospital chaplain during my call-in if the patient wanted it, especially if they were critical. Its also certainly not wrong to decline to pray with a patient if your religious beliefs don't line up with your patient's.