Anyone work for MONOC ems? I have a few questions

my preceptor printed off the breakdown off of EMS charts last time I did an observation shift.
Next time you get a chance, lemme know where the AtlantiCare units stand.
But back to the jersey thing I hate how fire depts and first aid companys are all volunteer up there.
Not true. The urban cities in NJ are almost exclusively paid FDs. And more and more suburban areas are adding paid FFs, even if it is just for day work, especially in the NYC Metro area.

As for EMS, lots of 100% paid systems, especially in the cities. Almost every EMS system (especially the busier ones) have paid staff on, especially during the day times. Many suburban towns have gone from 100% volunteer to combo paid volunteer with some even going 100% paid. It all depends on where in the state you go.
I have realized that if you are in the public safety business new jersey is not the place to live. Are you familiar at all with fdny ems?
IDK, I know quite a few people in public safety that are very happy in NJ.... but in all honestly, they are in the fire departments or police departments, and not the understaffed/underfunded EMS systems that exist in the state of NJ.

and if you think Jersey is bad, FDNY EMS is even worse. I know quite a few FDNY EMS people who left to work in NJ, and many many NYC Paramedics who work in Jersey for better pay and better conditions.

and I, too, would like to get a copy of that list. it would be interesting to see where various projects rank in terms of busiest in the state.
Dan, I would be happy in NJ EMS if I had a pension, a garage for my medic unit, and I didn't have to sit on SSM. I w ould have stayed and worked 25 yrs.
No, all transport capable ambulances. Some areas transport more than others, depending on BLS response.