any suggestions


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ok I just started my emt course in aug, and already next wed is mid term. I am shaking in my boots here. My test scores have not been the best, however I have still managed to keep a b average. Not great but better than some. I study, I work in my work book, I do the extra credit. I go to
I get it, however as soon as it is time to take a test I freak out. Any suggestions on how I can deal with this? I am terrified about mid term let alone final then N.R.
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Read this!

Also my former pysch. teacher told me that the night before, if you suffer from really bad test stress, or exam stress spend about 30 minutes the night before you exam in a quiet room and ensure you won't be interrupted. He said sit down and imagine you doing a test. From the moment you walk in the room, take your seat, pick up your pen, and write the exam. Go through it all.. Imagine the exam from start to finish and make it take about 30 minutes. Also, have someone in your class make up a test for you, then sit down and do it. He said this way your body will "freak out" and release all the hormones and cause mental blocks during this fake exam, then when you go in the second day your body has already been through this and you will "freak out" less and have less mental blocks.
I don't remember the study he had for this, but I remember him telling us all this.. and said that he does this to his Sr. Girls Volleyball team. He'll have them sit in a big group about 30-1hr before a game and they all close their eyes and go thru the game together, and they imagine it. There must be a reason he keeps coming 1st in the province.

Try those methods out.. also look up some tips and hints on google, or whatever search engine you use.
I've tried his method, and it works great.

Hopes this helps and good luck!!
That's some good advice there. Also, have you tried talking to your instructor?
They might be able to help you with the "walk through" beforehand, or just reassure you a bit. I nearly barfed on my instructor on my first practical exam, and went and had a long talk with him afterwards...I did so much better on the rest of the tests. He helped me get my head straight.
That is some great advice and I will do both, My instructor kind of intimadates me a little Dont know why he is a very nice guy been a ff/medic for 20 years great stories but still kinda scary. I actually have a couple of the other quizes that we have done that I can go over and study so that is what i will be doing when kids are in bed. Tommorrow is skill drill day. ANd of course I am nervouse of that. Dont really like being called on the spot, working on it though. I guess I just dont wanna look like a bonehead in front of everyone. However I guess it is better to be a bonehead in front of other students than pt right. thanks agian guys I appreciate it. :D
Dont really like being called on the spot, working on it though.

That is good that you are working on it, because as I am sure you know.. EMT's (-b, -i, -p) are called on the spot everyday they work.
You will do good, it's very intimidating at first.. a lot of information in a short time.. just keep working at it. If you aren't sure, just ask. There are a lot of people on here that can answer almost any question.. don't be shy.

Let me warn you! Do a search before you post a question.. there may have been a thread already created asking the question you have!! And some people on here can't stand it when there are 5 threads on a question.. and someone didn't check.

Take care and Good luck tomorrow!!
I guess I just dont wanna look like a bonehead in front of everyone. However I guess it is better to be a bonehead in front of other students than pt right. thanks agian guys I appreciate it. :D

You know, someone has to be the bonehead! Seriously, in every class there's the one student who asks all the questions. As an instructor, I can't count the number of times I am answering the 'bonehead's' question and see the light dawn in the eyes of all the students who also didn't know.
Let me warn you! Do a search before you post a question.. there may have been a thread already created asking the question you have!! And some people on here can't stand it when there are 5 threads on a question.. and someone didn't check.

Just as long as it isn't an old thread...those same people that "can't stand it when there are 5 threads on a question" get just as upset when you bring up a thread from a year or two ago. There's no pleasing some people.
Thanks guys you rock! Lots of studing lots of questions. I so know the bonehead feelin, but sometimes it seems like people dont even ask questions so much as try to put in their 2 cents about whatever the topic may be. Not that that is a bad thing but sometimes they come off as a know it all but really they have no idea what they are talking about. does that sound familliar to any of you and is it like that out in the field? just curious if that makes any sence what I am trying to say.
I have taken numerous tests as a former occupation required testing every six weeks. I use to get worked up about tests too.

Here is what I learned to do. Read the question, if you can answer it, answer it. If you cannot, skip it and go on to the next question. You make skip three or four but will start to relax as you can answer the questions. Then go back and answer the questions you skipped.

Unfortunately, this method will no longer work for the National Registry since you have to answer the question to get to the next one.
I suggest investing in the stock market. I got no idea.
sweet i will try that as well you guys are so great on here i would be forever lost thanks so much.
lol the stock market thats cute
My instructor kind of intimadates me a little Dont know why he is a very nice guy been a ff/medic for 20 years great stories but still kinda scary.

I used to be intimidated by my instructors too, because they were extremely knowledgeable and its important that they dont think Im a complete and total idiot. But you have to remember, they were there at one point too. You dont get to be an expert over night, and you dont get there by making no mistakes and being right all the time. So relax, give yourself the grace to make mistakes in front of your instructor and to ask questions that you deem stupid. And chances are if you have trouble with something, someone else is having trouble too. It doesnt do you any good to be afraid of being the bonehead.
I had intimidating instructors. Than I graduated and they seemed less intimidating if that at all. Odd.
It's best to learn how to get over that intimidation early. It's easy to feel nervous when "put on the spot" but its the perfect time to learn how to get over that feeling. Once you get licensed you will find yourself 'on the spot' on many occasions. Maybe an MVC with 10 bystanders/on-lookers or doing a standby at a football game and suddenly a player is injured and its you out on the 30 yardline with a couple hundred pairs of eyes alllllllllllll on you.

Don't let it get to you, don't let it make you feel inadequate. Take the time now to learn how to deal with being intimidated so it won't haunt you in the future
Sorry, CSLY, once you start a thread you cannot quit!

And, trust me, sometimes you WILL be the bonehead in front of a pt, or do everything right and still be called a bonehead. Just because "Sixty Minutes" is calling you the next day doesn't mean a thing!!
They say that speaking in public ranks right up there with fear of dying for most people. I love a class where the students are involved and actually plan my lessons to motivate them in that direction. There's that fine line though between informal and involved and total chaos. There's always the guy/gal who knows it all and has 10 stories about it. I learned the 'Is this a question or a story' line and I use it often.

If you don't understand something in class, ask... period....If you don't understand the explanation.. ask again. You are not alone. If you need more explanation than the instructor can give during class, they should be able to meet with you after class for further help on it.

Out in the field, those that know the least are most invested in proving how much they know. If you know it, you have no need to prove it.