Another 12 lead and fall scenario

Just something I was learned. Lead I and avF. Up and up, Right together, and Left apart.
Yup. I'm still lost, too.
and please ignore my iphone auto correct

Oh. For axis? If they point toward each other it's a right axis, away from each other it's a left axis. Decoded!

Yes, it "works" in the sense that axis is not voodoo and the leads always work the same way. However, the voltages here are so low that you may be hard pressed to identify positive vs negative complexes. What direction would you say I and aVF are deflecting?

It also only "works" by determining axis in the frontal plane (flat like a map on your chest), which leaves you with an odd situation when the axis is more anterior or posterior (the "z axis") than frontal. Are any leads on this entire strip very positive or negative?
This looks like left axis deviation to me and the computer agrees with the QRS degree. I think the poor R wave progression, left axis deviation, and slightly wider QRS complex is from a left anterior fascicular block.
I agree with a left axis, but rather posterior too.