AMR Riverside Strike!

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Ummmm. Since you aren’t in CA, you don’t know what was presented to the public. It was sold that this would increase training, skills, staffing, response.

Commercials and social media cross state lines...
Doesn’t matter if 11 is a sham. The public was told, BY EMTS and Paramedics, it was a great thing and would result in better things. You guys shot yourselves in the foot, not us.

Before you enter politics, have a plan and someone who KNOWS what they are doing, and a media consultant. Your union doesn’t have a clue.
What crack are you smoking?

No EMTs or Paramedics in CA told the public prop 11 was a good thing, actually it was the exact opposite. The only ones who were really saying it was a good thing was AMR who spent somewhere in the $20-30 million range for advertising.
Read the ads put out. The PUBLIC bought it. It was sold as I stated. Do YOU speak for the Public? Didn’t think so.
Commercials and social media cross state lines...

Then READ what was written in the papers instead of popping off on here. A few twits and bookface posts don’t mean a thing. If you’re not the voting public, you got nothing to say regarding Prop 11.
Read the ads put out. The PUBLIC bought it. It was sold as I stated. Do YOU speak for the Public? Didn’t think so.
The ads did exactly what AMR wanted to do by spending so much. Hate to break it to you but just because an ad is on TV doesn’t mean EMTs and Paramedics agree with it. AMR speaks for AMR. AMR is a business who’s main goal is to be profitable. AMR does not speak for its EMTs and Paramedics.

Are you sure you’re not having a stroke? Because you are not making a lot of sense right now.
Ummmm. Since you aren’t in CA, you don’t know what was presented to the public. It was sold that this would increase training, skills, staffing, response.
Doesn’t matter if 11 is a sham. The public was told, BY EMTS and Paramedics, it was a great thing and would result in better things. You guys shot yourselves in the foot, not us.

Before you enter politics, have a plan and someone who KNOWS what they are doing, and a media consultant. Your union doesn’t have a clue.
You sound like a genious.. so a handful of people (most were prob amr supervisors) say its a good thing and it makes it true for the masses? We are AMR employees in California, I think we know the truth better than yourself.
Doesn’t matter if 11 is a sham. The public was told, BY EMTS and Paramedics, it was a great thing and would result in better things. You guys shot yourselves in the foot, not us.

Before you enter politics, have a plan and someone who KNOWS what they are doing, and a media consultant. Your union doesn’t have a clue.
I agree, my union did drop the ball on this. I am not 100% sure on the details, but it sounds like AMR put this bid in last minute, so when our Union found out and reacted to it, it was too late. I am angry at the State for allowing such a terrible thing to be voted on, something very misleading, and I am also angry that they didn't allow our Union to put up an against argument because they reacted too late.

For the record, this was not just one union. Multiple Unions, including IAFF (firefighter union), were against prop 11. For the video I showed you, multiple unions that are often competing against each other to represent different bargaining units (eg Nage vs UEMSW) worked together to try to fight AMR on this and showed up to events together.

The public was not told by EMTs and paramedics to vote yes on prop 11. Many many many EMTs and paramedics went out of their way to make sure to tell the public to vote no on it, picketed at the State capital and San Francisco (the video I showed earlier), and so on. AMR did run ads that had "EMTs" and "Paramedics" to say vote yes on it, but it was found that these people were AMR management and I think they weren't even certified EMTs/paramedics like advertised. Example . Maybe EMTs and Paramedics started to write about how the company's bottom line was to make more money and cut corners; There were pictures shown of the price of ambulance transport and treatment, pictures of our broken equipment being held together by tape, a no on vote 11 website was made, etc.
Good discussion, but keep it civil.
You sound like a genious.. so a handful of people (most were prob amr supervisors) say its a good thing and it makes it true for the masses? We are AMR employees in California, I think we know the truth better than yourself.

You REALLY don’t understand politics very well. I don’t think you at AMR truly understand what you are trying to do. Your Supervisors sure have such power that they caused millions of voters to obey them.

You are children when it comes to unions. As I said earlier, you need experienced people, not some wannabe Jimmy Hoffa telling you what to do. IAFF, etc? They sure failed also.

Until you win over the Public, which you will never do by denying them 911 services, you will lose each time. Your “truth” is so secret that only AMR employees know what it is? Really? No wonder...
Implying that AMR supported something so therefore the employees did is laughable. I didn't see a single labor or employee group pushing for the proposition. Also, I want to know what it is going all over the nation for EMS providers. It can effect me and fortunately social media allows for the sharing of experiences, despite those silly state lines.
You REALLY don’t understand politics very well. I don’t think you at AMR truly understand what you are trying to do. Your Supervisors sure have such power that they caused millions of voters to obey them.

You are children when it comes to unions. As I said earlier, you need experienced people, not some wannabe Jimmy Hoffa telling you what to do. IAFF, etc? They sure failed also.

Until you win over the Public, which you will never do by denying them 911 services, you will lose each time. Your “truth” is so secret that only AMR employees know what it is? Really? No wonder...
I don't understand politics very well? And you know this how? You know nothing about me. And since you know nothing of our divison and for some reason think our supervisors were lobbying for prop 11, you should keep your false claims to yourself.

And DesertMedic66 had a serious question for you.

"Are you sure you’re not having a stroke? Because you are not making a lot of sense right now."
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Also I just realized they say they’ll pull from doctors operation.... good luck that’s all bls if amr’s Medics walk off they’re still not in a good position. That’s gonna for sure piss off fire.
Also I just realized they say they’ll pull from doctors operation.... good luck that’s all bls if amr’s Medics walk off they’re still not in a good position. That’s gonna for sure piss off fire.
They can't pull from McCormicks medics?
Doubtful McCormick is la county, they don’t have the accreditation for riverside, not to mention doesn’t riverside require phtls or ITLS where as la only requires pals and acls

Plus they don’t have that many medics and they’re ift medics and when they get pulled to run911 calls they’re bls soo I don’t really see that as a good option
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Doubtful McCormick is la county, they don’t have the accreditation for riverside, not to mention doesn’t riverside require phtls or ITLS where as la only requires pals and acls
Technically Riverside county does not require PHTLS/ITLS. However in AMRs contract with the county, the county requires all AMR medics to have ITLS/PHTLS.
Technically Riverside county does not require PHTLS/ITLS. However in AMRs contract with the county, the county requires all AMR medics to have ITLS/PHTLS.
So since they’re under the amr umbrella would they be required to have it?
So since they’re under the amr umbrella would they be required to have it?
I honestly have no clue when it comes to emergency staffing due to a strike. I’m not sure if AMR is able to bypass any of those standards.
Spoke to a friend, they did not go on strike Today waiting to hear why.
We are just voting this week. We still have to give a 10 day notice if it does move towards a strike.
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