AMR new hire question


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So I finally got picked up with AMR here in my area. Now I can make some better money and eventually enjoy some increased stability/permenance. (First company I worked for was continuosly downsizing due to competition and poor managment. At my current company, I'm only P/T so no guarantees but I always average out alright but still).

My only question is regarding the new-hire physical (drug screen and agility/fitness are of no concern to me). To be specific, the vision portion. I was curious, for those who know, do they follow a visual acuity requirement such as like the DMV standard for the Ambulance Driver's Cert or is it more of a formality? I'm assuming the use of the basic wall chart while standing in the hall way type vision test.

The reason I ask is because I have sort of an uncommon issue. In a nutshell without getting into detail and rambling.... left eye perfect. The right eye, though, had a cataract since birth that was removed a few years back. Now, the right is right at 20/40 to meet DMV requirements. However, this 20/40 comes the exams with my optometrist who has seen my since I was a kid and is likely a much more accurate result. The pre-hire stuff, I would imagine, will consist of the wall chart from down the hall (which I've had one or two experiences with what I'm assuming were medical assistants not reading the result correctly) and I'm hoping to avoid undue hassles.

So... does anyone know if the vision test portion of the AMR new-hire stuff is based on requirement standards or if it's just a formality? Not that I'm anticipating any issues but if there is, would AMR take my optometrist's results over the other office?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light. Perhaps I'm being too worrisome but from a career perspective this is a huge deal for me at the moment and I haven't come this far for nothing.
I have seen countless EMTs and Medics who have to wear glasses. So I would say that it is just to have on their records. As long as your eye sight is good enough to hold a drivers license then you probably should be fine. For my test it was the hallway "read line 8 for me" "what 3 colors do you see on the poster" etc.
Nor-cal??? Where did you get hired on with them? Congrats!!!
I'm curious where at in norcal too, when did you find out?
San Joaquin County. They may be doing another round of hiring in the near future but not sure when. Also, there was only a written test before interviews and no skills unlike Stanislaus County. StanCo does both written and skills. The interview was on Tuesday and I found out Thursday.

As stated in my OP, this is a pretty big opportunity for me in all aspects so perhaps I'm being too worrisome over nothing. However, I've had experiences that make me weary of MA's recording eye chart results and the fact that they seem to been administered inconsistently in some places doesn't seem to help.
I'm sure you will be fine and everything will work out! I'm currently in the hiring process for AMR in the fresno area. So I know how easy it is to worry;-) congratulations once again! It's always nice to hear when an EMT lands a job, especially during times like these.
can't you just wear glasses?

or ...... :


also, attn interested parties: AMR smco should be hiring soon. 5 pt peeps! fyi :)