AMR interview


Forum Ride Along
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Can anyone give me some tips on having an interview with AMR? Im a little nervous and really want the job, BAD!!!! A little backround, I live in south Florida, am 24 y.o., trying to learn Spanish, and very energetic. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Be yourself, and be upbeat without being over eager.

Are you an EMT already?
I always joke around with my service's HR person regarding my interview. This was my first job in EMS after getting my license almost two years prior.

I was extraordinarily nervous, and it showed. I mean who really remembers what a pericardial tamponade and angina pectoris are? For the record, I know what they are now!

Be calm and be yourself! I followed up the interview with a short letter and a phone call a few days later.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!
MMiz, thankyou, it's been over a year since I got my liscence and I'm freaking out that they won't hire me over it or I've forgotten everything.
I am already an EMT and after working in restaurants for so long I just want to get into the field I've been training for. This is something that means so much to me and I honestly feel like this is where I'm supposed to be. I've had some really hard times and all I want to do is help people. Thank you all for your insights. Wish me luck and I hope to be your colleges soon!
Hey.. just noticed you were from FL. Me too.

Yeah, I love Florida. I won't ever leave, to some that may seem a bit absurd but I can't help it. I live in a place where spring break comes to me and I'm just a few hours away from the Keys. What could be better? Oh yeah, NO SNOW!!!
AMR, as far as I know, uses a canned, scripted interview.... Shouldn't be too hard.

They are usually nuts about drug testing, too. (Good thing)
What do you mean "nuts" about drug testing? Like every 2 weeks or what? Not like I do drugs, it's a great thing they do test. If your going to have someones life in your hands drugs should never, never, never, ever be in your system. Its like going to a drunk dentist, just not smart.
Also, just a side note. I have an unsightly birthmark that makes me extreamly self-concious on my chin. Having a butt chin doesnt help either. I usually cover it up with a small goatee. Should I just shave it off and freak out about it all day or leave just the small goatee and feel comfortable in my own skin? I know I should shave it and look clean shavin but I'm afraid that it will become the standard of my appearence and I wont be allowed to grow it out again and feel comfortable again. I know its stupid but this is more of a personal rant and any outside opinions would help. Tomorrow's the big day and boy am I nervous. Again thanks to all with your input, it is greatly appreciated.
enslavedvinny said:
What do you mean "nuts" about drug testing? Like every 2 weeks or what? Not like I do drugs, it's a great thing they do test. If your going to have someones life in your hands drugs should never, never, never, ever be in your system. Its like going to a drunk dentist, just not smart.
Around here.... they test for drugs of abuse and ETOH onsite with the "home test kits" They also have a nice little policy manual....... ;)
As long as the goatee is trimmed then I think it should be fine. I think the connecting goatee with mustache around the mouth actually makes you look older, so that might even be advantageous. They key is to not look messy.

Here just getting some pics off google, I think you would be fine if the goatee looked like this:

But definitely not something long like this:

I think you get the point.
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Hey.... that's Amos --- he runs with Honey Brook.... you know... Amish Country!
Again thank you. Its such a relief to find people who are willing to help others out. This is why I want to be in this line of work. And tell Amos to stop trying to milk the bull!
I dunno, AMR's ride along policy actually says "no facial hair."

Having a goatee during an interview shouldn't be a bad thing. if they hire you, they might ask you to shave it.

I also have a goatee that's hiding a few ugly scars. (Got attacked by a &^$@# pit bull when I was 11)
Well we'll find out tomorrow, huh? Damn pit bulls. Catahoola Leopard Hounds all the way!!!
the AMR MySpace group has a discussion on facial hair allowed in different divisions.

Intresting point... it varies across the country - some places it is "no facial hair" and some allow anything that you can fit-test with.
We have AMR in our area, but they hire anyone with a pulse. Lots of duds on their trucks. They have lots of good ones too, but seems like we get all the bad ones. If it doesn't pan out there, come to Ms and you can get a job quick. Big medic shortage here.
halesyousay said:
We have AMR in our area, but they hire anyone with a pulse. Lots of duds on their trucks. They have lots of good ones too, but seems like we get all the bad ones. If it doesn't pan out there, come to Ms and you can get a job quick. Big medic shortage here.
Mississippi, eh???

What part of Mississippi are you in?

AMR Gulfport was hit REALLY hard, and there has been lots of temporary duty availible to assist down there the last few months.... from what I've heard.
