Scope of practice as an EMT?
Actually, if that EMT in CA was to work in an ED, they would have to get a phlebotomy cert. How many EMTs draw blood on ambulances in CA?
Then, they would have to be proficient in many different lead placements of many differ cardiac monitors as well as doing 12 - leads.
They would see more patients in one shift than most EMTs on an ambulance will see in a month or even two months.
They may assist with more "codes" in one shift than many EMTs will see in a year.
They will learn to take vitals of various types using several methods on many different patients.
They will learn to transport and move patients with many different accessories attached to places with limited space or that which require special consideration such as MRI and HBO.
They may be cross trained as an ortho-tech. How many EMTs get to assist a physician in casting or modifying splints?
They will learn about infection control.
They will have access to look at lab values, X-Rays and be able to discuss patient care with many different health care professionals.