Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

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Forum Deputy Chief
I definitely don't get to use it as often as I used to..... which is a good thing. :)

We've been monitoring this thread for a while now, and yes, actions have been taken.

Strange, isn't it? I can understand several people from a company wanting to join to post it, trying to make it grow.I get it. EVERYONE needs to make sure they are following our rules:
(Standing ovation) I raise my rum and coke to you oh mighty one!

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Forum Deputy Chief
Eric Ems use to be the GM for Medcoast. Got a closer look at his profile picture.

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Dan Louk

Forum Probie
I have been working with Dan for nearly a year. He is a great guy. New to EMT-Life. He is part of what makes it fun to work here!
Thank you Eric. I must admit that the skepticism here has really surprised me. Looks like many have gotten burnt in the past and are having a hard time believing what we are doing at AMBULNZ is actually always, the truth shall prevail.
I'm really liking this forum btw. Thanks for introducing me to it.


Forum Deputy Chief
Yes because new people that have one post on this forum have alot of strength in their words. lol. Again ive talked to well over 20 and everyones singing a different tune. It's all a matter of people going out and talking to your staff in public places which anyone can do. I would release names but that would be a privacy infringement.

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Dan Louk

Forum Probie
Yes because new people that have one post on this forum have alot of strength in their words. lol. Again ive talked to well over 20 and everyones singing a different tune. It's all a matter of people going out and talking to your staff in public places which anyone can do. I would release names but that would be a privacy infringement.

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AMBULNZ's goal is to hire highly motivated, well compensated EMTs. I don't know why anyone would try to prevent EMTs from having such an opportunity...unless it interferes with their own personal/business interests. BTW - your prior post mentioned you spoke with over 40 people, it went down to 20 people on this prior post...maybe on next post you'll say it was only 10 or 5 lol
Anyway, thank you to everyone involved in making today's open house a HUGE success. Very exciting


Site Administrator
Community Leader
AMBULNZ's goal is to hire highly motivated, well compensated EMTs. I don't know why anyone would try to prevent EMTs from having such an opportunity...unless it interferes with their own personal/business interests. BTW - your prior post mentioned you spoke with over 40 people, it went down to 20 people on this prior post...maybe on next post you'll say it was only 10 or 5 lol
Anyway, thank you to everyone involved in making today's open house a HUGE success. Very exciting
Dan, were you at the event?

Gavin Burnett

Forum Probie
Great turnout at our Career Fair today! Very productive Q&A sessions and overwhelming enthusiasm from those who came out to see for themselves what Ambulnz is all about. We met some amazing EMTs, excited to have nearly all those who interviewed today joining the team! Congrats!

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The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
This thread is starting to give me a headache. Next time I hear about a job fair I'm gonna go ape on someone.

Dan Louk

Forum Probie
Dan, were you at the event?
Dan, were you at the event?
Our national and regional ops directors (among others) were there today. Got a detailed report of the nice turnout we had. Also see Gavin's message below with an update. As you already know, my name is Dan Louk. What's yours Chimpie? I appreciate your high level of interest in our company btw


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
And yet another vague answer to a simple yes or no question. I'm just gonna say no, he wasn't there Chimpie.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Furethermore, how do you have a national director and regional ops directors when you're only based in LACo? Second Chimpie has expressed little to no interest in your company, he's only made 3 maybe 4 posts on this thread. One pertaining to your company, that doesn't show interest. Third when the hell are you going to stop with this vague answer charade? I can't speak for everyone else but I've grown sick and tired of receptive questioning only time and time again to get the "come check out our job fair" answer. I personally don't give a rats... (you get the idea) WE-WANT-THE-BUISSNESS-MODEL all caps bold, italicized, and underlined so if you weren't getting the point now maybe, just maybe you will. I don't know how anyone can work at Ambulnz, are all your supervisors as vague as you and everyone else is when it comes to answering questions. I know I can't be the only person in this thread that's a frustrated at these people as me.


Forum Deputy Chief
Furethermore, how do you have a national director and regional ops directors when you're only based in LACo? Second Chimpie has expressed little to no interest in your company, he's only made 3 maybe 4 posts on this thread. One pertaining to your company, that doesn't show interest. Third when the hell are you going to stop with this vague answer charade? I can't speak for everyone else but I've grown sick and tired of receptive questioning only time and time again to get the "come check out our job fair" answer. I personally don't give a rats... (you get the idea) WE-WANT-THE-BUISSNESS-MODEL all caps bold, italicized, and underlined so if you weren't getting the point now maybe, just maybe you will. I don't know how anyone can work at Ambulnz, are all your supervisors as vague as you and everyone else is when it comes to answering questions. I know I can't be the only person in this thread that's a frustrated at these people as me.
I'd hate to ask permission to go to the bathroom from these volks. "Maybe.... maybe not..... come to the job fair tomorrow and find out!" LOL they are owned by by a firm in upstate NY covering with several owners. 12 were listed as children of one owner. Their are 6 or so listed as unknown roles in the company. Mostly its comprised it seems of everyone from
If you want I can put up my research.

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Site Administrator
Community Leader

Our national and regional ops directors (among others) were there today. Got a detailed report of the nice turnout we had. Also see Gavin's message below with an update. As you already know, my name is Dan Louk. What's yours Chimpie? I appreciate your high level of interest in our company btw
My level of interest is low to nil. I don't live in southern California, never intend to.

Dan Louk

Forum Probie
And yet another vague answer to a simple yes or no question. I'm just gonna say no, he wasn't there Chimpie.
Would love to talk more about myself and what I did today but let's keep the focus on what's important to us at AMBULNZ and that's getting EMTs on the path to success and providing the best patient care in the industry. Everything else is just noise that prevents good people from having an opportunity to make a respectable living. I extend an invitation to anyone sincerely interested in meeting our national ops director. A true professional who's willing to take the time to answer any question you may have. Thanks again for your interest in AMBULNZ.


Forum Deputy Chief
I can see Cal right now going crazy lol

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Gavin Burnett

Forum Probie
Furethermore, how do you have a national director and regional ops directors when you're only based in LACo? Second Chimpie has expressed little to no interest in your company, he's only made 3 maybe 4 posts on this thread. One pertaining to your company, that doesn't show interest. Third when the hell are you going to stop with this vague answer charade? I can't speak for everyone else but I've grown sick and tired of receptive questioning only time and time again to get the "come check out our job fair" answer. I personally don't give a rats... (you get the idea) WE-WANT-THE-BUISSNESS-MODEL all caps bold, italicized, and underlined so if you weren't getting the point now maybe, just maybe you will. I don't know how anyone can work at Ambulnz, are all your supervisors as vague as you and everyone else is when it comes to answering questions. I know I can't be the only person in this thread that's a frustrated at these people as me.

We walked through every granular detail of our model and took all questions throughout the day, including opening actual payroll data and full metrics of current EMTs on track to make a range of 50-87k+ this year. Having the initiative and drive to actually show up, ask thoughtful questions, and have a healthy positive dialogue is exactly the kind of person we're looking for. Otherwise well, probably not the right match for our culture.

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The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Thanks again for your interest in AMBULNZ.

My interest in Ambulnz is well I can't think of a analogy at the moment that wouldn't get me banned. Can this thread be over? Its obvious that these people have nothing productive to contribute here. Plus for those of you that have seen Pulp Fiction I'm about to go Jules mushroom cloud layin on someone.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
We walked through every granular detail of our model and took all questions throughout the day, including opening actual payroll data and full metrics of current EMTs on track to make a range of 50-87k+ this year. Having the initiative and drive to actually show up, ask thoughtful questions, and have a healthy positive dialogue is exactly the kind of person we're looking for. Otherwise well, probably not the right match for our culture.

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For the millionth time. I feel like I'm talking to freaking kindergartners. POST-IT-ON-HERE.
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