Ambulance Speed Limit?

please tell me your joking... or please tell me he's not a paramedic now..
No and Yes. We do too good of a job teaching them here for him not to be ;):D
do the helicopters have lights and sirens too :oops::rolleyes::p?? lol
Well actually a couple of firefighting helicopters here have sirens on them for clearing away people when filling up their water tanks...
We work b/p trucks so I almost never drive. When I was as an EMT, I pretty much just drove with due regard only. I didn't watch my tachometer. If it looked fast, it was probably too fast. Too may close calls? Probably not driving with enough due regard. Our type IIIs didn't go very fast and weren't very good at stopping; I always kept that in mind. I did activate the ABS once nearly rear ending a car. That scared me. I wish people could just use some good judgement.
I think Road Safety and Drive Cam are both good tools to teach better habits, but are morale destroyers if used punitively.

I love Road Safety. When it was first introduced at Allina there was a lot of concern about it being used punitively. It has not been used that way. Rating are posted every now and then and I think most people take pride in trying to score high. The ride in the back sure improved.