I had to get creative once. I had a young girl having a full blown panic attack ( she thought she could not breathe, had a racing heart, convinced she was going to die, etc) on my BLS unit while I was in back, while up in the Los Angeles national forest mountains on a snowy night, about an hour from any ER at the very least. I had no meds obviously, so I got one of those stryker monitor table/stands (left in the rig from a CCT) and mounted my laptop on it, popped in Twilight (that vampire movie). Partner steps up the driving a little, and we watch the movie, which did wonders for her.
In case your wondering, she was on a 5585 with a known pysch hx, but I did not dismiss a medical condition. Anything that would calm her down would help regardless of the etiology. We had no radio or phone reception so ALS was out of the question.