Would you happen to know the Sacramento number to reach these guys? It’s been over a week and no letter in the mail. Or if this is just a DMV deal- strictly
In your case: I'd drop by a field office and just ask them. There does not seem to be a way to contact them, and many departments are working remotely anyway.
I know that people do search for "California Ambulance Driver Certificate" or something, and DMV has changed their website so a lot of links from reddit or forum posts here are not valid anymore.
My steps so far, as of Dec 9, 2020. If it's not obvious, I'm a little salty about the entire process.
* Go to DMV, buy $5 "Ambulance Drivers Handbook" and start studying it.
* Get DMV Form DMV 8016 - "Request for Live Scan Service." Go spend $77 and get a Live Scan. Even if you already had one done for your state certification or county stuff, you have to do it again. Lovely, eh?
* Go to a doctor and get a DOT exam. Form MCSA-5875.
* They'll also fill out MCSA-5876 which I think you're supposed to carry with you.
* Note that your usual Primary Care Physician probably cannot do this exam for you. You have to find someone certified to do DOT physicals. So, probably Concentra or something like that. In my area? I literally ended up in a strip mall chiropractic office. Cost me $55 for the exam, which was a complete joke. At least the provider was friendly and the whole thing took less than 10 minutes.
This is as far as I got so far. If what I read is still accurate, all I need to do now is:
* Go back to DMV, wait in line again, take the ambulance drivers test. Get temporary which is good for 180 days. I should get something in the mail.
Apparently you need to go renew this physical every 2 years now. I thought it used to be every 5, but the doctor said it was 2 years.
I already have my state Paramedic card but now I need to find a local job so I can gain county accreditation. Apparently I need to have "5 ALS calls" documented, and they have to take place in that system. I cannot use any the 672 ALS level calls over the past year alone that my previous agency has documentation and PCRs for. Nope.