Sure sure, right right, everyone else is good, and we're bad. I know. You're missing my point as well, but oh well. It is not a rare occurence for a non-EMS person to speak to the media about a pt's be honest I've seen it happen more with someone from outside EMS than I've seen it happen with someone from within. Which would seem to mean that those great policies you vaunt are not being followed enough to ensure compliance from everyone...or that people just don't care about them. Either way...kind of changes things a bit doesn't it? You can have as many policies as you want covering every situation available, but if they aren't followed or what?Before you post something with "I don't know", why don't you look up the policies that are consistent with every hospital in this country.
The day EMS catches up with the other medical professions, since it is already over 40 years old, is the day I would hopefully not have to remind some about the boundaries of professionalism.
Now maybe you should venture over to the thread about pranks. You might have more to offer there.
This isn't even going into the various other forums out there where various other healthcare professionals talk about their pt's care...sometimes even in general terms...with no apparent recourse...
Now. Does EMS have problems? Sure, absolutely. Does that mean that every other healthcare field is perfect? No. Does that mean that every other field does no wrong? No. Does that mean that it's ok to lionize ever other field and downplay their own problems at the exspence of EMS? No.