As a former PIO, the EMT supervisor's response to the media was pretty good. I'd almost wonder if he wasn't already experienced with giving statements in a past life. Good job on his part getting the "atta boy" in there from Travolta.
In the past few years, many folks in EMS are not used to hearing media statements from one of our peers. And when they do, there seems to always be a few who are taken back. EMS clearly needs to become more aggressive in working with the media.
I've seen many times where EMS squandered opportunities to promote themselves on the evening news. In the hands of a proficient PIO, an EMS provider can get a tremendous amount of PR mileage from the boob tube watchers!
When EMTs and Paramedics start the "kiss and tell" crap on the evening news you will see some ambulance companies losing their contracts with hospitals and LTC facilities that don't want to risk their patients' right to privacy. They may not want a press conference called each time Mr. Celebrity is transported to and from one of their facilities so the EMT(P) can get some face time with the camera to boost the ratings of EMS. Whatever information that is appropriate to be released should be left to the PIO.
Patient care is not a media event just for EMS to promote itself. There are other ways that the needed publicitiy can be done through a working relationship with the media but NOT at the expense of someone's privacy. And is that all it is about for some in EMS is getting an "atta boy" from a celebrity on TV? Get the priorities straight.