Just had a good call but wondering why ALS upgrade was ordered. Call went like this...
Just got to work, called into work because someone's partner didn't come in. So my partner for the night had the rig up and ready to go. We were at dispatch when a call came in for a seizure. Our ALS crew was working a call so we were dispatched (we are a private bls ambulance). We respond to scene code 3.
Upon arrival we find a 76 y/o M laying in bed, not actively seizing. My partner grabs history from RN staff and I asses. Pt is A Ox3 but slow to respond, possibly postictal. Bp 126/58 R 14 HR 58 reg. pulse ox 94 on 4 lpm n/c. Skin normal. Pupils Perrl. Lungs clear. Pt Denys falling or loc. siezure witnessed by RN lasting aprox 1 min in bed.
We put pt on cot and give 12lpm. Check bgl and its 57. We give oral glucose and load pt into ambulance. We recheck bgl 5 min later and it's up to 60 so we are good to transport for our sop's. as we call medical control to go to the er our ALS unit shows up. They come check in on us and say nice job see what medical control says.
My partner calls med control and gives a report saying our findings and interventions to the ecrn saying we are comfortable transporting pt to er 6 min eta. She says hold on she has to check with the doc because its a seizure pt. our ALS says just tell them that we are en route since its only 6 min away. Ok. So we pull off and don't get out the driveway when the ecrn says the pt has to go ALS. We explain we are en route and 5 min away but still are told to upgrade to ALS. What gives?
I followed the ALS crew to hospital while my partner rode with them. The only other thing they had time to do was 1 unsuccessful iv attempt.
Just got to work, called into work because someone's partner didn't come in. So my partner for the night had the rig up and ready to go. We were at dispatch when a call came in for a seizure. Our ALS crew was working a call so we were dispatched (we are a private bls ambulance). We respond to scene code 3.
Upon arrival we find a 76 y/o M laying in bed, not actively seizing. My partner grabs history from RN staff and I asses. Pt is A Ox3 but slow to respond, possibly postictal. Bp 126/58 R 14 HR 58 reg. pulse ox 94 on 4 lpm n/c. Skin normal. Pupils Perrl. Lungs clear. Pt Denys falling or loc. siezure witnessed by RN lasting aprox 1 min in bed.
We put pt on cot and give 12lpm. Check bgl and its 57. We give oral glucose and load pt into ambulance. We recheck bgl 5 min later and it's up to 60 so we are good to transport for our sop's. as we call medical control to go to the er our ALS unit shows up. They come check in on us and say nice job see what medical control says.
My partner calls med control and gives a report saying our findings and interventions to the ecrn saying we are comfortable transporting pt to er 6 min eta. She says hold on she has to check with the doc because its a seizure pt. our ALS says just tell them that we are en route since its only 6 min away. Ok. So we pull off and don't get out the driveway when the ecrn says the pt has to go ALS. We explain we are en route and 5 min away but still are told to upgrade to ALS. What gives?
I followed the ALS crew to hospital while my partner rode with them. The only other thing they had time to do was 1 unsuccessful iv attempt.