Advice needed......when to throw in the towel


Forum Crew Member
Hello EMTlifers! I need some advice from some EMT veterans both past and present. First of all, I love EMS. It's been my passion since I was a kid and it's the only thing I've ever felt I've done right in my life. Lately I've just been really feeling very down on the financial side of the job, which I feel is starting to affect my attitude towards my quality of life. I'm 23, I've been an EMT in LA County/Orange County for almost 4 years, having lots of great experience in both 911 and IFT, and make a little above $11/hr. I'm not interested in going fire, I'm not too set on the idea of relocating, and I know private medics don't make too much more than I do. I'm not in poverty, I can keep food on my table, I drive an older vehicle, and I live in a somewhat decent but cheap neighborhood. A good friend of mine works selling cellphones and he's been driving me nuts trying to convince me to join him. He's showed me some of his commission paychecks that just make me go WOW!!! He enjoys his job, drives a nice car, takes cool vacations, and just seems like he has a better living situation overall. Part of me says, "Damn, I'm in the wrong business! I want nice shiny things too!" :) The other part knows it would kill me to leave EMS because of the love I have for it. EMS to me is like having a BEAUTIFUL wife........who cheats, lies, and tries to kill you. Have any of you felt the way I'm feeling before? Did you sacrifice a lot to keep your love for your EMS career or did you explore other prospects?
I relocated to a different system within California that has BLS fire department first responders. It also happens to pay better than my previous system, and offers an excellent benefits package to its employees. PM me if you'd like more info.


Forum Captain
Hello EMTlifers! I need some advice from some EMT veterans both past and present. First of all, I love EMS. It's been my passion since I was a kid and it's the only thing I've ever felt I've done right in my life. Lately I've just been really feeling very down on the financial side of the job, which I feel is starting to affect my attitude towards my quality of life. I'm 23, I've been an EMT in LA County/Orange County for almost 4 years, having lots of great experience in both 911 and IFT, and make a little above $11/hr. I'm not interested in going fire, I'm not too set on the idea of relocating, and I know private medics don't make too much more than I do. I'm not in poverty, I can keep food on my table, I drive an older vehicle, and I live in a somewhat decent but cheap neighborhood. A good friend of mine works selling cellphones and he's been driving me nuts trying to convince me to join him. He's showed me some of his commission paychecks that just make me go WOW!!! He enjoys his job, drives a nice car, takes cool vacations, and just seems like he has a better living situation overall. Part of me says, "Damn, I'm in the wrong business! I want nice shiny things too!" :) The other part knows it would kill me to leave EMS because of the love I have for it. EMS to me is like having a BEAUTIFUL wife........who cheats, lies, and tries to kill you. Have any of you felt the way I'm feeling before? Did you sacrifice a lot to keep your love for your EMS career or did you explore other prospects?

Initially medic training for me came within a job I was already in. In my current career I've been earning decent amounts of cash, peaking at $1000 per day for a few months at a time...I can hand on heart say money is not everything. I am leaving a career with a large pay packet, leaving the opportunity to make good cash as a commercial diver if I wanted too and and trading it all in for....working as a regular medic and seeing my wife and daughter everyday. Do what you ENJOY doing and you will be much happier.

There are so many options for you at 23 to keep the medical world interesting- paramedic, expedition medic, film set medic, join fire department for the financial benefits etc...get your bachelors and work as a medic in canada/australia/uk or other countries. Life is VERY short, do what makes you happy and IGNORE people who tell you otherwise in life.

Ewok Jerky

1- move
2- get your medic
3- join an FD
4- get a business degree and wear a white shirt instead of blue
5- go to MD/PA/RN/RT etc. school
6- work to live dont live to work. Unfortunately in our culture we are defined by what we do for work. you have to find a balance between enjoying your job and making a decent living. factors that determine that balance depend on the individual. you are young enough to have some time and flexibility to figure this balance out for yourself.

terrible one

Always wandering
I always tell people to look at where you want to be in 20/30 years. Unfortunately, EMS in CA pays extremely poor unless you work for a FD. So you unless you move or work for fire its highly unlikely you'll be able to retire from field EMS work even as a medic. Is it possible? Sure, but very difficult. You're young enough now that you can go into another field. I'd take an honest look at what you want in life and if CA EMS can provide you that.

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
6- work to live dont live to work. Unfortunately in our culture we are defined by what we do for work. you have to find a balance between enjoying your job and making a decent living. factors that determine that balance depend on the individual. you are young enough to have some time and flexibility to figure this balance out for yourself.

Perhaps the best advice ever on this forum.


I agree with moving. CA has this weird way of making it seem like they/we are the only place that exists/matters.
Stick around this place long enough youll see you can have almost everything you want out of EMS personally and professionally. You first have to know what you want, then find a place that fits closely with that goal. Then do what you need to get there.
Its a tough decision but, is EMS is really your passion and you want a better life, its a necessary one.


Forum Lieutenant
@DWemt28 I'm on the same boat as you are. I'm turning 30 comming up and been working on a box for 4 years. I have a family to support and a degree to earn. It is what it is. I found working in la/oc counties to be ok but when the majority of the population say nothing but crappy things to say about the "system" we work in, it's hard to stay positive. Sure you can always move but what will that solve for the others like you on the same boat. You have to stay positive and know that anything is what you make of it. Be an advocate. When I work with newbies I tell them the same thing, because if I start telling them nothing but the negative like so many others they will wash out the first six months. Check out medic Great read on down time. Answers se questions you might have. He use to be a regular on these very forums. I myself am dealing with burnout/ depression due to my past history keeping me from getting hired at a FD/PD. stay positive. Network. Always put patient care first and remember we are the public servant ugly red haired step child lol. Up hill battles are always taxing till the moment we reach the top and look down. Hope this helps dude. See you around.
@DWemt28 I'm on the same boat as you are. I'm turning 30 comming up and been working on a box for 4 years. I have a family to support and a degree to earn. It is what it is. I found working in la/oc counties to be ok but when the majority of the population say nothing but crappy things to say about the "system" we work in, it's hard to stay positive. Sure you can always move but what will that solve for the others like you on the same boat. You have to stay positive and know that anything is what you make of it. Be an advocate. When I work with newbies I tell them the same thing, because if I start telling them nothing but the negative like so many others they will wash out the first six months. Check out medic Great read on down time. Answers se questions you might have. He use to be a regular on these very forums. I myself am dealing with burnout/ depression due to my past history keeping me from getting hired at a FD/PD. stay positive. Network. Always put patient care first and remember we are the public servant ugly red haired step child lol. Up hill battles are always taxing till the moment we reach the top and look down. Hope this helps dude. See you around.
As I've suggested to other members here on the board from SoCal, look into the Kern County EMS system. BLS fire departments, and ALS private transport. It's a pretty solid system if you ask me.


Forum Asst. Chief
Not to beat a dead horse. But really man. Bakersfield is only 1.5 to 2 hrs away from Los Angeles. They will pay for you to go to medic school, great benefits, great equipment, stations, protocols, and a chance to move up. Starting medics for now make 42kish but in a yr the pay will be a little under 50k. You can make a nice living for yourself here. Or just commute if you really want.


aspiring needlefairy
Dude... I make 10 an hour. I want to continue EMS after I get my paramedic. Not looking to relocate due to my lady having a good job and lost interest in fire due to high numbers of applicants. So after my paramedic program gonna work some time and bridge over to nursing ans try to take that into traima nursing.


Forum Crew Member
Thanks everyone! All of the advice is great :) I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this. You guys are all awesome!


Hello EMTlifers! I need some advice from some EMT veterans both past and present. First of all, I love EMS. It's been my passion since I was a kid and it's the only thing I've ever felt I've done right in my life. Lately I've just been really feeling very down on the financial side of the job, which I feel is starting to affect my attitude towards my quality of life. I'm 23, I've been an EMT in LA County/Orange County for almost 4 years, having lots of great experience in both 911 and IFT, and make a little above $11/hr. I'm not interested in going fire, I'm not too set on the idea of relocating, and I know private medics don't make too much more than I do. I'm not in poverty, I can keep food on my table, I drive an older vehicle, and I live in a somewhat decent but cheap neighborhood. A good friend of mine works selling cellphones and he's been driving me nuts trying to convince me to join him. He's showed me some of his commission paychecks that just make me go WOW!!! He enjoys his job, drives a nice car, takes cool vacations, and just seems like he has a better living situation overall. Part of me says, "Damn, I'm in the wrong business! I want nice shiny things too!" :) The other part knows it would kill me to leave EMS because of the love I have for it. EMS to me is like having a BEAUTIFUL wife........who cheats, lies, and tries to kill you. Have any of you felt the way I'm feeling before? Did you sacrifice a lot to keep your love for your EMS career or did you explore other prospects?
Wow this sounds exactly like the same boat I'm in!! I love being a paramedic but aspects of the job have really worn me down. EMS is sucking the life out of me!! I have recently decided to try industrial side of Ems


Forum Ride Along
You COULD join the military and become a Medic, Corpsman, PJ, etc...

I was in a similar boat as you, just a bit older. I had been training kung fu since I was 14 (in '94) and started teaching in 1996, just before turning 17. For the next 13 years, I would dedicate myself every day of the week. The training was challenging, which kept it fun. My own personal students were also challenging, but rewarding. I loved almost every aspect, except that by the time I was 30, I was still making 10/hr. I was about to start a family...I was gonna need to grow up.

My wife and I talked, and I always wondered what it'd be like to join the military and figured I should do it before I'm too old. The Marines wouldn't take me-their age cut off at the time was 23. Finally, after trying all the branches, the Army was the only one (because of my age) that would take me. This was scary for me-I don't like to change...I'm very much the type of person that will get complacent if it seems to be working.

Anyways, I waited until a job that I wanted came up; the recruiters can be pushy, but they understood that I could just walk away at any time. I really wanted to work on helo's and would take anything within that field to eventually work my way up to become a Warrant Officer and then fly. It took a year of waiting, but nothing with helo's was opening up. 68W (Healthcare Specialist) appeared; my wife and I talked about it, and then I took it.

Basic training sucked-I got OUT of shape and they fed us WAY too much haha! The only challenge was doing PT at o-dark thirty laying on ice because, despite the fact I grew up in the Pacific Ocean, I still get cold WAY too easy! 68W school was challenging for me because I wasn't an EMT going in, like a lot of others there. The field training was more fun, wearing full battle gear on a hot and humid day!
The starting pay isn't the best, but you could always go officer and get fat (haha, i'm kidding...kinda). I'm married so I chose to live off base and collect BAH (housing pay) in which you could find a cheap place to rent and just pocket the rest of the cash.

The MAIN reason I joined was schooling, however, the military will pay for all your schooling. While in, I took advantage of TA (Tuition Assistance) and started knocking out classes. Also, a TCCC course I taught gave me more than enough credits to re-certify on my NREMT for another year.

All in all, did I like the Army? Eh, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Did it open more doors for me, especially since my ONLY work experience was teaching kung fu (nobody cares about that on your resume)!! Absolutely! I've got a job working within the private sector with a private corp. and I'll be teaching/training still! My starting pay is 25/hr, and that's just part time right now until I get out of the Army. I make my own hours, so I have the flexibility to spend time with my family and work from home.

I don't really believe in luck. A lot of what happens in life is being at the right place at the right time, but you'll never be at the right place until you change something. I'm not saying the military will solve anything, but it was a way for some doors to open up for me at least. Cheers with whatever you decide!


I've been in EMS for many many years. I understand your frustration. I was worred about money and my future as well. I too love EMS, but needed a way to bring in more money but not nessessarily work more or longer hours. I found an interest in cardiology and moved toward working in a Cath Lab. Now, you may say this is away from EMS, ... but I was able to still do EMS on a volunteer basis. So, I was able to do medicine, get more money, and still find the time to do EMS. And since I volunteer in EMS (now), it's my time. Time away from work, away from things that get me frustrated, and back to the fundamentals of medicine that I love so much.
I do wish pay would be better for EMS. I also wish Fire and EMS were more separated here. Of course the flip side is ... the more volunteers there are, the harder it is to bring up the pay scale for the career staff.
The advice that has come out above, in all the responses, have been great. We don't do it for the money (obviously). Too bad Indiana and Short Round weren't talking about EMS when they said "fortune and glory" :)
Best of luck to you, DWemt28.