I do know that Firefighters inside the buildings heard more than one explosion and that concrete doesn't just pulverize itself into dust. I also know that jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt hardened steel.
Funny things happen when you have 40+ stories of a building crumble on top of something.
No one has ever stated that the steel melted. Facts all point towards the heat weakening the steal, and when you have half a building of that magnitude, weighing so many tons, that is a LOT of weight to put on weakened metal.
No other hardened steel structure has EVER fallen the way those THREE (how many got hit by planes?) buildings did as a result of fire in recorded history.
It wasn't "just" fire. In the case of the two main buildings, it was TWO large passenger planes SMASHING in to them at a very fast speed.
In the case of #7, it was the damage and heat caused by the other 2 falling towers.
The only other sky-scraper hit by a plane in history, was hit by a small prop plane, NOT a large passenger plane.
There are enough unanswered questions to let me know that we were not told the truth.
Everyone saw 2 planes hit the towers. EVERYONE saw a plane hit the Pentagon.
Why are first responders getting sick?
A ton of small particles of humans, dust, buildings, and soot inhaled... and you're expecting no sickness? Mmkay.
Flame all you want, i'm entitled to my opinion and you won't squelch it by pseudo-threatening me in an online forum.
If your opinion is not backed by any sort of proof, but just conspiracy theories and "They heard noises", then it's wrong.
Everything was a confusing mess that day. The first news report I heard was that the White House was hit and that a small bi-plane hit the WTC. It's entirely possible, and probable, that they thought they heard something they didn't hear.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I am a person who lives my life by using the checks and balances of critical thinking, curiosity, logic and reason.
If you think you know how those buildings went down, please enlighten me, so that I can stop being horrified at what happened that day.
No, don't stop being horrified by that day. It was and still IS a horrifying day. But it was not a conspiracy.
Before you respond to any other comment I made in this reply, answer this question for me, and keep in mind, every single person I've asked has yet to come up with a logical answer.
How on earth would someone keep a conspiracy THAT big secret for this long, without so much as the slightest inside leak?