The thing about angioedema is this: only a small percent of cases proceed to life-threatening airway obstruction, and the airways are friable and can be worsened by manipulation. But the ones that DO progress can be exceedingly difficult or impossible intubations.
So......assuming they have a fair amount of edema but are breathing you mess with their airway and take the risk of making it worse, on the small chance that they will eventually need intubation, or do you simply transport, with the understanding that this would likely be a very difficult airway that you will only make worse, and probably won’t progress to requireing intubation anyway?
My opinion is if they are breathing fine, transport emergent with supplemental oxygen, because chances are that is all the airway care they will need. If they start to crash, go straight to a cric.
Edit: The thing about nasally intubating these patients is that 1) if they are not yet in extremis, you may well make things much worse because the tissues can be quite friable, since they are so swollen, and 2) if they are in extremis, chances of success are low because the glottis is at least partially obstructed by swollen tissue - hence the extremis. Cricothyrotomy time.