Accreditation Woes for Michigan


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Mich. EMS personnel brace for major certification changes

By Emilia Askari
Detroit Free Press

DETROIT — The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians in 2013 no longer will certify paramedics who graduate from unaccredited training programs. It's a move the Columbus, Ohio-based registry — which certifies emergency medical service personnel nationwide — says will improve the quality of emergency responders across the country.
Only two of the 42 EMS training programs in Michigan have the required accreditation — those operated by Lansing Community College and Huron Valley Ambulance in Ann Arbor.

Fire chiefs fear that unaccredited programs — most based at fire stations — will close when the new rules take effect, leaving only longer and more expensive training programs. There are 29,000 emergency medical service personnel in the state. All must receive additional training every few years.
"There already is a shortage of EMS responders in Michigan," said Jon Hockman of Livonia, vice president of the Michigan Association of Emergency Medical Technicians. "Yet we're getting this rammed down our throats. ... These new standards would create an even larger shortage. That means higher risk to the public."
Can I say

Boo hoo ...hosers.. some are always finding an excuse not to be in a a profession for above the neck line.

I knew the Chiefs would be whining about how hard it would be..
having seen some pretty damn stupid emt's in nj, I would feel a lot safer with accredited programs only.
Rid - How can I search if a school is accredited?