7 day challenge


Kip Teitsort, Founder
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I am putting up a challenge for those who say there is not enough time in a day to workout.

Try this.............

When you first get out of bed (after you use the restroom ha ha) get down onto the floor and do at least 10 push-ups. Even if you can only do one and rest for a minute then do the next one until you reach your numeric goal.

I am up to 100 push ups, 100 crunches and 100 air-squats before I take a shower. It takes me less than 30 minutes.Then I still hit the gym in the afternoons.

Adding my little wake-up routine has me down 2 inches on the waist in 2 months.

Try it for 7 days and watch what happens. You will soon be doing "sets" of push-ups.
Amen Dt4ems, this routine is terrific and will really get your morning going, I love it!!!
Will do.

Need a workout
Ummm... it will probably take me about 3 hours to do 10 pushups... But I am going to try....
Just make sure to bring along the 02!!!!:P
Excellent stuff, I try and stick with the SEAL pushup routine - 10 pushups every 30 seconds for 15 minutes (if you make it to 15 minutes, you're a bada$$!). Additionally I lift and run.
Well here is a cool program to get up to 100 push ups. I've been getting into it and I'm seeing some great results.


Might work as part of a morning routine. I need to get crunches in as well. As of now I only do the push ups and bike.
OK.......... how many got theirs done? Remember you only have to start with 10. Build up at your pace.
I got two push ups done... then said screw it and went and drank me some mountain dew.
Also I do 75-100 calf raises every morn these can easily be done while shaving, brushing teeth, drying off after shower, ETC.....
  1. Push up head from pillow
  2. Push up covers from bed
  3. Push up light switch to on position
  4. Push up dog from lying on top of slippers
  5. Push up volume on clock radio
  6. Push up bathroom light switch
  7. Push up on button on coffee maker
  8. Push up hot water tap in shower
  9. Push up shower curtain
  10. Push up towel to wet hair

Wow.. I had no idea how hard I was working in the mornings!
ATM I max out at 25-30 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and about 300 jumping jacks (that's when I get bored and quit)

I try and increase those numbers every night when I do my PT.

However I'm going to try that 100 push-up thing
We have been looking for a good workout program. I have been lazy but want to get into the gym during the week...even if for just a little while.

I think adding this to the morning would help alot. I will def give it a try.
Seems like a fun challenge, I just recently started working out again but I'll try the 100 pushups deal on my days off from my normal routine and see how it goes.
Looks like we have several that are trying. Don't get frustrated. Baby steps.......... and before you know it you will be feeling tons better. Not to mention you will look better.

You can even change the way you do your push ups. Elevate your feet up on the edge of the couch or a chair and do a set. You can also try doing a set with your arms really far apart. Then do some with your hands close together.

A little exercise will go a long way in reducing stress.

The hardest part of working out is getting motivated. I promise if you will start with this simple workout and stick to it.......... after a few weeks you will feel guilty if you miss one.
OK.......... how many got theirs done? Remember you only have to start with 10. Build up at your pace.

Started doing this as an addition to walking/running in my recuperation from off duty injuries> I am up to 50 with no stops. Really helps to get the morning started. Thanks for the challenge. Now lets see where others stand, speak up lets see your count.
count me in

I'll start tomorrow, I love a challenge :P