25yo male locked in bathroom

I need more info.

1. What color are the bath towels.
2. Is the toilet bowl round or elongated.
3. Shower door or shower curtain.
4. Counter top material? Granite, tile, Formica? Color?
5. Wall tile color?

These have nothing to do with the case of course I'm just getting ready to redo my bathroom and need some ideas :)
I need more info.

1. What color are the bath towels.
2. Is the toilet bowl round or elongated.
3. Shower door or shower curtain.
4. Counter top material? Granite, tile, Formica? Color?
5. Wall tile color?

These have nothing to do with the case of course I'm just getting ready to redo my bathroom and need some ideas :)

What's your price range? And do you want it to be a themed bathroom? :P :lol:
Unresponsive pt, slow resps. Check pupils, are they small? Push Narcan. Board, collar and go.
What are his vital signs? Do I need to throw him on O2 or are his O2 stat good? What is his breathing rate? Do I possibly need to assist with BVM. Is his airway clear or do I need to clear it and possible insert an OPA. Does he have a gag reflex meaning I need to put in a NPA? Any swelling or redness or rashes on his body? Are you sure it is from a spider bite? (just because you see a spider doesn't mean he got bit. Just like if there is a knife on scene it doesn't mean your patient got stabbed.) since he is unresponsive he is an immediate transport in my decision.

Good considerations. :)
Unresponsive pt, slow resps. Check pupils, are they small? Push Narcan. Board, collar and go.

Great, but remember that you cannot push drugs as an EMT-B.
Great, but remember that you cannot push drugs as an EMT-B.

EMT-Bs with a quick IV certification can give Narcan in CO... I believe some other states too.
screw a HALIGAN interior doors will always lose to a foot either straight push kick or donkey kick. And in reality no cop would wait for fire/ems to arrive to bust the door. They love that stuff
Make sure the pt has an open airway. Assist his breathing with a BVM. Check his circulation, and make sure he is not bleeding externally. Apply the c-collar. Perform a rapid assessment, recording any findings. Load pt onto backboard. Get a SAMPLE from the roommate while getting the patient's vitals. Put dead spider in plastic container. Load and go.
Well lets see here. Call the ER doc and tell them the type of spider he got bit by. Pt may need to go to a specialty hospital after being stabalized by the closer hospital.

In NY that patient is going to Jacobi.
I am sticking with scene safety. If that spider can put our patient out, I bet he can put me out too.
Unresponsive pt, slow resps. Check pupils, are they small? Push Narcan. Board, collar and go.

Stupid question time: Why are we Collaring? I don't see any signs of trauma here...

Edit: He slipped. I should learn to read.
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I need more info.

1. What color are the bath towels.
2. Is the toilet bowl round or elongated.
3. Shower door or shower curtain.
4. Counter top material? Granite, tile, Formica? Color?
5. Wall tile color?

These have nothing to do with the case of course I'm just getting ready to redo my bathroom and need some ideas :)

I think you should redo your bathroom in a jungle theme.

Or the cute little froggies.