you know i dont think i would want to work in EMS if i had to work a 12 hour shift or an 8 hour shift. i know one thing is for sure is that we dont get paid enough to work 12's or 8's now if i would have taken the job at acaidain i would have been making 11.20 an hour working 12's now thats enough to work 12's atleast compared to what i make here in AR
i feel that there would be a major staffing problem if there was a law passed stating that EMS personnel couldnt work more than 12 hours at a time i think there would be a lot of people quiting i know i think i would consider it unless there was a major pay increase because then thats that less of a chance for me to get a second job working those 3-4 days just to get 40 hrs and that would mean i would only have 1 day a wk off working a second job.
i really dont think EMS will ever be able to go to anything less than 24 hour shifts except in your heavy call volume areas and they thus pay more.
Couple of faulty things, I believe we should as a profession agree not to accept. One can make $25.00 and still be poor. It all goes upon the costs of living in the area. I know of Basic EMT's making $45,000 yr, but when the costs of living is double or triple it does not matter.
Second, why should we ask anyone to have to work part time? One of the definitions of a professional is, not having a salary that requires an extra income. People quit EMS everyday because they have to work more days than they are scheduled off. No time to be with family, as well as we are seeing poor mental and physical health from extreme work hours and related stress.
It is silly to state, "I need to work more hours, so I can make less pay". Does that even sound logical? Yet, we in EMS do it all the time. The excuse being,.." Well they would have to pay better salaries.".... Yep, they would and
should and can! All other healthcare and even emergency workers get it, why not EMS? If we are so special, and the public needs us (in which they do) they need to realize they will have to pay to get us or do without! The time of just because you want to help your fellow man one should get screwed over is gone!
Pay will have to come up in all areas. The time of each town having its own EMS will be over as well. Consolidation of EMS will have to occur (similar to hospitals) to stay existent, volunteer services will ever increasing taxed upon. Thery will not be able to keep up with the demand. The prediction; and so far it has held true, is that run volumes will double within 5-7 yrs. and possibly triple within 3 yrs. This is not science fiction, but facts. Look at ER's in your area... even rural and urban areas area already getting crowded and most hospitals have a waiting list or holding for a bed in the hospital. The crisis has not yet even happened and we are already seeing it...
There is no way that EMS will be able to work extreme hours; nor should we as truly caring individuals even should consider of placing ourselves and our patients in jeopardy. Studies have demonstrated, after the eighth call; Paramedics critical thinking skills drop almost by 50%. Hence the reason many EMS are evaluating and going to 8/8 shifts. Eight calls or eight hours, which ever comes first. Yes, the pay will have to off set the hours, and yes EMS will have to be reimbursed appropriately to be able to pay their employees. Hence, again the reason for increased education levels = increased reimbursements = increased pay.
We as a profession should never settle for anything less than we are worth. Yes, there are methods to increase our pay, the public will have to cough it up. Just alike they do for firefighters, troopers, physicians and even for nursing. Then and only then, we will see a decrease in those leaving EMS and longevity.
R/r 911