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  1. B

    Animal Attacks

    So I read yesterday a story about a bulldog killing a 4 day old newborn because the mother was in the shower. In your experiences, what would you say are the animals to attack not only ems workers, but people in general. bulldogs get such a bad rap but from what my emt-b teacher told our class...
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    good luck to you too. remember all your certs and cards
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    What was so interesting about the interview? I have an interview today with a different company
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    Just got called for an interview at an ambulance company. Wish me luck. Recently certified in Los Angeles. Countdown begins. Wish me luck
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    Special Events

    Thanks everyone! I just recently got certified and am ready to not only work, but also to volunteer for experience to better myself and my skills.
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    Special Events

    Does anyone here work at special events, such as sporting events, music festivals/concerts or do charity work. like the revlon run/walk or similar? how would one go about getting into that?
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    License to work

    Hey all, I just passed my NREMT and am going about the licensing procedure. I will definitely get licensed in LOS angeles. but I was wodnering. is it possible to be licensed in 2 countys? i was thinking los angeles and orange county.
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    3 weeks later and I'm back with a vengeance. Took my nremt again yesterday. felt good walking out of it. didnt seem to have the enough questions in certain subjects to meet their percentage remarks. nonetheless. 71 questions and done. i found out this morning that i passed! wooooo!!!
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    took my emt b test yesterday. 120 questions in and failed. not too bad. got a few above passing to go with some belowe passing
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    24 hour shifts

    Ahh I see. Thanks for the quick replies. I thought it was all the same.
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    24 hour shifts

    hello all. im new here. and tomorrow is my last day of my emt-b class. i have heard a few different things about 24 hour shifts regarding pay. where some say you get paid by the hour/OT and others say you get a certain lump sum for working a 24 hour shift. does it depend on the company or...