Search results

  1. Commonsavage

    Trauma code question

    Just wondering... Why would you do this? Is this SOP in your act under CHP command? I would have worked it just as any other trauma code, and called it after basic resuscitive efforts failed. If LE requested body removal, and that is not within my SOP, I contact my MD and or...
  2. Commonsavage

    Latin American EMS

    Latin America, Caribbean, and other International Volunteers... Would you mind posting contact information for the various services for which you've done volunteering/ride-a-longs? Ideally, I'd like to put together a data base of contacts for EMS volunteering opportunities. Please, post here...
  3. Commonsavage

    Drug test question

    I suggest that your "friend" study real hard for that test.
  4. Commonsavage

    9 y/o female headache

    Yep, generally any pediatric patient c/o headache is a good candidate for meningitis. In addition to your clinical findings, and depending on etiology (bacterial vs viral), look for rash or other skin lesions.
  5. Commonsavage

    Female trainers?

    New Mexico, in general, and Central NM Comm. College, in particular, has significant numbers of women EMTs, Paramedics, and Instructors at all levels.
  6. Commonsavage

    Emt's must get there associate's degree?

    "Emt's must get there associate's degree?" Yes, and learn proper grammar, spelling, etc.!:huh:
  7. Commonsavage

    For the love of God...

    ...which is just past the fare-Nix! In medic school, I finally snapped and stopped my instructor's lecture to correct her. I was teacher's pet...up until that moment.:unsure:
  8. Commonsavage

    Need Advice Please

    If you're looking for appropriate financial compensation and security, especially with a family/child and student loans to support, EMS is NOT the place to be...generally, unless you hook up with FD or some other government based service. An associates in nursing would probably serve you...
  9. Commonsavage

    Do not ever bring the stretcher up more than one or two steps.

    Always listen respectfully to your patient. Never believe what they say.
  10. Commonsavage

    Double paramedic

    Bernalillo County/Albuquerque is a two-tier system with Albuquerque Ambulance Service(a division of Presbyterian Hospital). In Albuquerque it's AFD and AAS. In the County it's BCFD and AAS. In Rio Rancho, actually in Sandoval County, it's RRFD and AAS.
  11. Commonsavage

    I panicked

    Alright kiddo, I generally agree with AK...but not always. He's right about using the tools at hand...use your spellcheck. And focus on school so that you don't need to depend on spellcheck. As to maturity, it comes with experience and a willingness to learn, which often means slowing down a...
  12. Commonsavage

    Found it! Why no analgesia with intubation?

    Thanks for the input Z, glad your here.
  13. Commonsavage

    degrees for all paramedics 10 year plan

    That's fine with me. If the number of qualified medics drops, the market forces will raise their compensation. Right now we have a dirth of minimally qualified and undercompensated medics. Requiring higher educational standards is a win-win for all.
  14. Commonsavage

    CPR when its not needed

    How many psychiatrists does it take to perform CPR? I still need a punch line:P
  15. Commonsavage

    Short handed during arrest

    Wow! You've got a dedicated 3rd person on your codes:rofl:
  16. Commonsavage

    Linked In and other networking sites

    Was this person recruiting for an insurance company? When I first got on LinkedIn, that's who contacted me. I actually did that gig a few years ago. Total pain in the a**!
  17. Commonsavage

    How far do you drive?

    For me, any commute over 1 hour one-way requires a minimum 48 hour shift. Preferrably, modified Kelly of 48-on/96-off, after 40hrs/wk = time-and-a-half.
  18. Commonsavage

    Medics Drop Donor Heart

    Old School In the mid to late 80's, I was driving a cab, about a deacade before I got into EMS. I got a call to pick up a heart at a distant Level 3 facility. Donorcycle, kept patient on life support in OR until my arrival, removed and packaged heart in a Cryobox, strapped it in next to me...
  19. Commonsavage

    Homan Sign

    OK, after a quick survey, the only place that I can find a negative reference about using Homan's Sign is on the allnurses website. Here's a coupla other references that may help...
  20. Commonsavage

    Homan Sign

    My Nursing rant Unfortunately, despite all of the emphasis on evidence-based training many, if not most, nursing programs continue to instill more emphasis on fear and a CYA philosophy and keeps many nurses frozen in place...unable to engage in independent critical thinking. As such, there are...