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  1. S

    Well, this is no good

    Congrats dude!
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    What antics from students do you hate the most?

    Well* :P Just kiddin ^_^^_^^_^
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    Help with fitness

    Also, I came across this guy a while ago... his ipod "treadmill trainer" tapes are great!!! You can get Vol 1 on iTunes for 9.99, the rest you have to buy on his website. Well worth the money to me. He follows interval training, with helpful tips and stuff along the way. Highly, highly...
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    My foot in the door?

    Excellent! Congrats Travis :D:D
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    Flight Medics??

    Just keepin' it simple. IFR is just the flight plan, IMC are the conditions. I file an IFR plan for about 90% of my flights and only about 20% actually involve flying in the clouds!
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    Flight Medics??

    Just to clarify what was probably a typo- IFR = instrument VFR = visual A large amount of general flying accidents happen due to IFR... low vis, ceiling, icing, generally crappy weather. We lost a state trooper helicopter a bit ago in IFR. Fully capable pilots and equipment but the weather got...
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    Soon to be EMT-b, But an advocate for Medical Mariujana

    Give it up ASAP dude... millions and millions of people out there with just as much work to do as you get by just fine without it. But I'm biased, every job I've had since I've been 18 has needed drug tests :blush:
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    Etiquette question...

    I'm new to EMS as well (newer than you), but my gut tells me go as much as you want to assuming you aren't interfering with the usual crew. Additionally, if I were you I would clean up ALL the equipment before I left (even ones you didn't use). Putting forth a little effort will go a long way...
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    I have my physical coming up for the local VFD... then a background check and I get to start riding along and start EMT-B classes! Just wanted to share my excitement. Hoping to learn a ton :) A quick related question- do you folks usually mind when an observer rides along? Assuming...
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    Lights on the flight line at airports.

    I'm a pilot and would most definitely appreciate that courtesy from an ambulance.. Don't wanna be chopping you guys up :P
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    Ambulence Driving part of EMT B class?

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    Help with fitness

    I've always wondered, how much of an impact (if any) does that have on physical fitness? Repulsive habit regardless, but I've always wondered.
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    Database of ER visits

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    NEED OPINIONS from FLORIDA EMS personnel only please

    I'm all for EMS personnel carrying weapons, but you'd have to make it a HELLUVA lot tougher to get into EMS!!! Look at all the whackers there are with fancy lights on their car, imagine if they were allowed to carry guns! Cops can open carry guns because they go through a ton of training and...
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    the 100% directionless thread

    That's like a native spanish speaker taking Spanish 101! Just not fair :P
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    Help with fitness

    Practice! Lots of it. There are tons of methods online to best maximize your training (Run a certain miles on one day, a different number the next, mixing sprinting and jogging, etc)... I can't get into those too much. Get good running shoes that fit YOUR feet, hydrate lots, and remember mind...
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    Physicians' Impression of Pre-Hospital Pain Management

    OP: So what was it, kidney stone?
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    Had anotherr interview Lastnight!

    Congrats!!!! :):):)
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    what do you guys do to stay calm?

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    Martial Arts

    Correctamundo. Put me in a triangle choke and I'm toast :P I was just 'splaining why krav maga "techniques" were frowned upon in regulated MMA events.