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  1. W

    Bad call

    However you choose to deal with this, please take action now. You are displaying all the signs of a pre-PTSD syndrome, otherwise known as "Battle Stress". I am telling you this as a colleague, but also as an (ex-) sufferer myself. It's not too late, but please, please take action now! Carl.
  2. W

    Different Locations Different Wages

    My basic rate is $39/hour. Unsociable hours payments come on top of that (ranging from 150% to 200%). Annual basic salary is about $ 80,000. We are heavily taxed though: I am in the 52% tax band. Effectively, more than half my salary goes to the government. Carl.
  3. W

    Treatment question

    Op I guess we are pretty much al reading from the same textbook page,here:) I'm not sure I'd go with the fluid option but,well, unless the OP is a little more forthcoming then I think that everything has been said already. Carl.
  4. W

    Are there any memoirs(preferrably Kindle/Nook) written about EMS in this century?

    Tom Reynolds's books "Blood Sweat and Tea" and "More Blood Sweat and Tea" are about his experiences with the London Ambulance Service. It's available free in lots of formats as the writer is a fervent believer in the Creative Commons License. A good read and pretty much up-to-date. You can get...
  5. W

    Are there any memoirs(preferrably Kindle/Nook) written about EMS in this century?

    Tom Reynolds's books "Blood Sweat and Tea" and "More Blood Sweat and Tea" are about his experiences with the London Ambulance Service. It's available free in lots of formats as the writer is a fervent believer in the Creative Commons License. A good read and pretty much up-to-date. You can get...
  6. W

    Treatment question

    Get a notebook and write the good ones down.......:rolleyes: Sounds like an unstable bradycardia, I'd want a 12 lead and review of his Med's before taking any definitive action. If warranted I'd start with an IV push of atropine (0,5-3mg, titrated) and consider external pacing with midazolam...
  7. W

    Crazy Kids Crazy Call

    And I would take the stand with you:usa: Carl
  8. W

    Physicians' Impression of Pre-Hospital Pain Management

    I think you make a good point here. In a healthy 26yr old then 1.5mcg/kg shouldn't be a huge dose, but it also depends on their build and PMH. I would start at 1mcg/kg and titrate up from there. Carl
  9. W

    Crazy Kids Crazy Call

    I wanted to reply earlier,but was beaten to it by the excellent post above. I'm sorry Crazy Cajun but I tend to agree that the manner in which you originally posted this shows us how you really felt about it. "Crazy Kid" was a pubescent teenager exploring in his own sexuality in a, to others...
  10. W

    Crazy Kids Crazy Call

    I woke up thinking about this situation this morning. Don't ask me why, I'm sure my psychotherapist will tell me :) Most of the salient points have been made in this argument so I have nothing new to bring to the table. I am, however, appalled by the lack of sensitivity here. The poor kid did...
  11. W

    Newish Emt Seeks advice/Encouragement

    Advice My advice: Pick a good school, preferably with a degree programme, strive to be the best medic you can and get the heck out of California and relocate to a good system. ATCEMS in Austin TX and Mecklenburg in Charlotte NC both spring to mind but I am sure there are more... And if you...
  12. W

    Advice on abdominal pain.

    Pain management Hello all, First off, re: the blue rinse with tummy pain, did you do a HCG test? Ectopic pregnancies are easily missed, you know :P Sorry, I can't help myself. Now into serious mode: I recently suffered a very bad bout of food poisoning with abdominal cramps. Due to the...
  13. W

    In EMS think before you speak.

    My story involves a rather keen but naieve new colleague. We were transporting a rather large lady to another facility when she commented: "I guess you have to transport lots of heavy patients these days" "Yes" said my colleague "but you are in luck today, we have our new cot with us and it...
  14. W

    Patient signing refusal AMA

    At the end of the day she was "compos mentis" and within her rights to refuse. You will never really know what caused the syncope so there's no need to worry about it. If this sounds a little harsh, I'm sorry it's not meant to. It's just a reality of the work we do and the patient's right to...