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  1. LukaPL

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    exact 80 passed the 1st time
  2. LukaPL

    What made you get into EMS?

    Well it might seem weird but I get here by accident. Im an immigrant from Poland, married in US used to work some dead end job with no idea what to do. One month I got two speeding tickets and my wife went crazy on me. Tried to joke about that and said: I wish I could be (forgive my ignorance...
  3. LukaPL

    Paramedic National registry book

    Hello Which book would you recommend to study for Paramedic National registry. I heard that Brady is ok but I dont wanna buy without knowing some opinions.
  4. LukaPL

    Growing bariatric population

    We have barbaric cots in normal rigs and it depends on the crew chief how many extra people he needs. If we're to busy and not enough people to lift we call fd. Worst scenario is when we have to carry >400 lb patient on the tarp (Greenpeace him) on the narrow hall or stairs
  5. LukaPL

    Where is everyone from?

    originally from Poland... now Wisconsin. EMT-B for almost two years, in august going for paramedic
  6. LukaPL

    Oldest Pt.??

    103 yo lady fell from the chair and lac her forehead she was axox4 and pissed off that she will look stupid in Las Vegas where she was going next week
  7. LukaPL

    Dumbest thing you have been asked

    one of a student doctors was doing assessment on a woman in the er room. wanted to check her rectum (motorbike accident) put glove on then hand under the sheet pulled back with little blood on his index finger. - we have rectal bleeding and the lady said: - sir, wrong hole i have period now...
  8. LukaPL

    Speaking of foreign ambulances!

    oh my god its a joke!!! ;)
  9. LukaPL

    CPR Training "The Office" Style

    that's hilarious although I feel sorry for instructor also
  10. LukaPL

    Funny one liners you've said to overheard to a patient

    I was givingreport on a radio about a older lady who fell in the elevator and hit her face, so she was bleeding from a nose and from lip. Nurse in hospital asked me "did she lose any teeth? grandma replied: yeah all of them... in 1994.
  11. LukaPL

    The scene is NEVER 100% safe!

    True in my area only PD calls scene safe and I will only go in when cops are also inside. I like my job but I like my life more. I heard (not)funny story when one of emt's called 10-53 (police) from dispatch, dispatcher asked "what you need cops for?' true story
  12. LukaPL

    got the EMT-B, now what?

    I would go on the streets, education in emergency means almost nothing until you'll touch the patient. My point of view changed a lot when I started working as an emt
  13. LukaPL

    Auto BP Low

    yeah I have to be careful with those electronic cuffs Last night nurse almost yelled at me that I dont believe her about vitals she performed she insisted that I dont have to check them because she did. Finally I told her to let me earn my buck. It helped:rolleyes:
  14. LukaPL

    Auto BP Low

    we had a call to a very low BP patient. When we came toa nursing home nurse told us that BP was 56 /20. Before calling med unit I checked it and it was 130/68. I thought that Im wrong so I checked three times and result was this same, then I asked my partner to check it too and difference was...
  15. LukaPL

    Dzien dobry

    cool. hope you get hired. and btw there is no competition for us lol:P
  16. LukaPL

    Dzien dobry

    bell ambulance so far
  17. LukaPL

    Just for fun

    I have so many lately queen- dont stop me now
  18. LukaPL

    Dzien dobry

    Beaver Dam area working in Milwaukee
  19. LukaPL

    Funny Vids
  20. LukaPL

    Some EMS jokes

    Guy calls his work -I cant come to work today - why - I have anal glaucoma - what is this? - I just cant see my *** coming to work today