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  1. S

    Pandemic Flu plan

    I currently work for a county health department, and I would recommend talking with your local/county health department as well. A lot of "policy" type stuff comes from most state level agencies, with the locals actually translating the policies into workable plans for their respective...
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    What was your funniest call, heres mine !

    ROFLMAO! After the day I had today, I really needed a laugh. :P Thanks!
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    Greetings! Newbie here!!

    Hello, and welcome! I, too, worked at an office job for many years, but always wanted to pursue emergency medicine as a career. I finally worked up the courage to do it, and I would not trade it for the world. Good luck in your classes, and as others have said, don't hesitate to ask...
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    Happy Thanksgiving!

    That's really cool....just thinking of how much that little girl will like those gifts has made me smile. :P Also, even though I'm a little bit late, Happy Thanksgiving as well!
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    Say What???

    ROFLMAO :D Thanks for brightening my day!
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    We only use one (10-50, MVA) so learning a bunch of them isn't an issue here. Luckily we use plain language, or else I'd really be confused! B)
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    Ideas of New "Laws"

    If Medicare did go for it, you know that they would come up with a new form (or two or three or four hundred) to fill out! ;)
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    Greetings, as well, from Maryland. Welcome!
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    Favorite EMS TV Show & Movie

    Will definitely be going to see Ladder 49...will definitely NOT have anything to do with the 9/11 movie. I am in complete agreement with lastcode, and echo the AMEN!
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    Monday Check In

    Just checking in....haven't had time to do much internet stuff. Spent the weekend teaching. It's taking a while to check everything guys have been busy!! B)
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    Prep/Portable Policy

    There have been (and continue to be) problems with the 800MHz system in certain areas of our county that have very hilly terrain, because of the fact that the county has not been able to install a repeater in the area in question. They've only been working on it for about 5 years. :unsure...
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    Veterans...Sound Off!

    I was an Air Force wife for 2 1/2 years, 1988-1990, married to a medic stationed with the 1st Medical Group at Langley AFB. So, even though I am not a veteran myself, I feel attached to that branch of service!
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    Who are you?

    Well, if it makes you feel any better, I will catch up with you at the end of July! B)
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    How accurate is your dispatch?

    I always try to talk about dispatchers in any of the classes I teach, as well, but I will have to remember to tell people about the fact that units are being dispatched at the same time they are still on the phone. Hadn't really thought about it too much before, but I do think it's a good idea...
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    Least Favorite Call Type?

    Any call involving a nursing home.
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    Prep/Portable Policy

    Ambulance has 800MHz radio in front for dispatch/response, and one portable 800MHz radio with charger. To contact the hospital, the 800MHz radios can be used, and there is also a separate radio system specifically used for contacting the hospital. We have a cell phone, as well, just in case...
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    First Time Patient

    Just a couple of weeks ago I got to be the patient, (in the ER, not in the ambulance), and I found it INCREDIBLY frustrating. I knew where everything I wanted/needed was, but couldn't get to it because they kept me on the monitor all night long. I was not used to depending on others for so...
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    Happy 4th of July

    I'm a little bit late, but I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! B)
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    New Community Leader: ffemt8978!

    Congratulations! :D