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  1. D


    Congrats on passing and welcome! Good luck in your program!
  2. D

    Aid / O2 bags

    Yeah I thought that you could be understaffed after I posted my previous... Well it seems to be working, keep thinking of other ways to make it better and at some point you will. Always wanting to improve your system doesnt hurt...good luck!
  3. D

    Aid / O2 bags

    Being in a rural area, this usually means a relatively long response time (not always I know..). This could give you time to prepare for what the call is + a little extra for the unknown..
  4. D

    OFF DUTY+ a real emergency.

    "Please explain to me how much more of an advantage it would be to have an EMT-B over a lay person in any given situation??"Niftymedic911 Although I do not agree with the OP of this thread... this is a pretty ridiculous comment. Then to say we only offer "Transport and evaluation.".. you...
  5. D

    Aid / O2 bags

    That is an insane amount to carry for one/two patients. Consolidate as much as possible and maybe it wont be as hard or time consuming to locate an individual piece of equipment. To carry that many NRBs and BVMs seems overkill to me. Do you not know your patients status before you get there...
  6. D

    Failed the NREMT-B for the second time!

    Good luck and don’t forget to familiarize your self with medical terminology & some medications as RidRyder911 said.. This will only help you and not just for the test. Something you will use in the future as well.
  7. D


    Thanks to all for your suggestions! I have already begun to gather up supplies..
  8. D

    Failed the NREMT-B for the second time!

    Yeah its tricky.. Try to get other books and see as many different questions as possible.
  9. D


    Yeah it is a great opportunity! 7 credits in 3 wks (Biology & History). Tropical Ecology of Belize and coral bleeching on the island! Cant wait.. Plus I worked it out and I am going to get in a couple dives at the end! Thats always a bonus!!
  10. D

    Failed the NREMT-B for the second time!

    Keep your head up! I used two different test books, plus the practice tests my program gave me. Take them as often as you can. One of my instructors gave me some great advice and I pass it on as often as I can. There will be more than one correct answer and your job is to pick the most...
  11. D


    Thanks for the input, I found a decent first aid kit on and figured I could tweek it a little bit. It was $40 and will fit in my pack. I will do a little modify and make it work. BFK...NICE!
  12. D


    I will be traveling to Belize for an accelerated semester this coming May/June. We will spend half the time in the rain forest and half the time on an island. Wanted some suggestions from all of you about what field medic pack should I bring if anything? The Coral Snake is native to Belize as...
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    Just Started

    I can't speak for everyone else but NO! I did not have second guesses when it came to patient care.. I was an excellent student and new that if put in a situation I could help someone. But I thrive on these situations.. I want to be the one making the decisions and providing the care.. Is...
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    mental difficulty

    What do you know about the profession? I am not sure about your location, is it possible to do a ride along or shadow someone and see if this is something you would enjoy... How do you handle stressful situations? This job is thinking on your feet and making decisions during stressful...
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    Mad Scientist Heart Rhythms...Dancing..

    Could you imagine... the family would call the station and ask why they sent the drunken medics....hahaha
  16. D

    Are You Kidding!!!

    I agree.... You did your job and it is a shame that no one else stepped up.. I am all for laughs, pranks, and joking around but there is a place and a time for it and during a "code" is not the place or time...PERIOD! Now you have a responsibility for future patients and yourself to take...
  17. D

    Jury reaches split verdict in Burks trial: Watch the dash cam video

    Oh yeah..100% with the officer!
  18. D

    Jury reaches split verdict in Burks trial: Watch the dash cam video

    I can't believe this thread even exists! For EMS personnel to wish harm on another person is just insane! The cop got what he deserved...WTF! Remember we are in the business of saving lives... regardless if you thought he was wrong... but to say he deserved to get hit!! WOW! SOme of you need...
  19. D

    Failed for a 3rd time.

    I am not sure how you take tests, and this one can be difficult if you go in "psyched" out already. take the refresh and go in confident, telling yourself that you know the material. The questions will have 3 right answers.. your job is to pick the BEST correct answer. Look at where they...
  20. D

    Should I do the 2 week EMT program?

    Sound advice.. A lot COULD be overlooked in a two week course. Either the programs fault or yours...