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  1. R

    (NC) EMT Refresher question and refresher in general

    Wasn't what I thought it be like. Only 2 other people showed up that were in the class. The instructor went over the skill sheet then tested us individually then done. Just gotta get the paperwork in be all set. NC EMT has some extra skills than CT so learned some new tricks.
  2. R

    (NC) EMT Refresher question and refresher in general

    Test is on Sunday..I assume review is Saturday. Ha thanks for that advice will chill.
  3. R

    (NC) EMT Refresher question and refresher in general

    Hi, I have 16 hour skills day coming up next weekend. I haven't practiced or been in the field as an EMT. I did finish the online portion for recertification. First time recertifying is there anything I should do to prep for skills day? Should I go in as I am going to be doing the practical...
  4. R

    Meck MEDIC???

    Hi I just recently moved to Charlotte. Was thinking of going for my medic cert down here being that education in the area is inexpensive, $10K less for a medic cert here compared to where I was living. I tried scouring the internet to look for pay grades but to no avail. I found old post about...
  5. R

    Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

    I don't know if this advice helps or not I used the JBLearning and EMT Dummy sites online. Feel majority of the questions were not what was on the NREMT test. I feel Dummies helped you remember class subjects and JBLearning allowed you to accustom yourself to the test structure. Say I...
  6. R

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    I am not sure I passed took the test Friday at noon found out about 2 hours later. Do they send a breakdown of the exam?
  7. R

    Question about age (Do you feel EMS has an age limit)

    If I can go 20 to 25 year's be great in the EMS world. 15 to 20 of those year's paid. The can eventually jump into a 2nd job for another 20 year's before fully retiring. Would be one of my life goals lol.
  8. R

    Question about age (Do you feel EMS has an age limit)

    Good morning! Question do you think there is an age limit when to start and retire in the EMS world? Do you think starting out as a Medic at 35 is too old? Appreciate the insight and look forward to the discussion.
  9. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    Love my job and the people I work with! With us moving closer to family will add an extra 60 miles a week to my commute which I feel will eventually burn me out. Just gotta stick it out for a year for the newborn and get my finances in order. See where things go from there.
  10. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    True true As you know New England is expensive. If I have to pay $40,000 for education instead of $30,000 not a huge loss. Path may be longer. Only concern is the Hospital is one of 3 stand alone hospital's in the State. If they do get bought out wondering how it will effect working at that...
  11. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    I am in a rock and a hard place. Dropping full time now working 32 hours I'll see a drop of pay from $1600 biweekly to $1050 biweekly. With my debt $1050 is what I make now with debt and the 400 miles I travel to work. If I leave my job get a night hospital gig closer to home I will make less...
  12. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    For me the question is which one will allow me to work closer to home (Both LPN and Medic), offer the same pay I make (LPN & Medic), offer the best hours (Both have possibility of staying extra hours and being mandated). Plus with LPN don't know much about Medics is that there is a lot of places...
  13. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    Will say my goal is to get my RN. However, do feel to get to Point B might have to go from Point A to Point B. Right now make about $22 to $24 an hour. Leaving where I work will drop down to $15 to $18 an hour. With my current DTI make about $15 an hour. Now if I can pay down my debt $15 to...
  14. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    Thinking if I can lead a full time night gig in the hospital close to home will go straight in for nursing. If not have to see if work can condense my hours. Then if so decide to go the Medic or LPN route then RN.
  15. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    Average $24 to $28. Wife has been on for 3 yrs with her job with differential making around $28 an hr at the nursing home. Her per diem job made around $21 to $22 an hour.
  16. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    That is very true cramming a lot in a short time period! The medic program looking at has AP1 completed in 7 weeks. Then AP II in another 7 weeks. While in conjunction with 25 weeks of Paramedicine. I also have to figure out how to balance work. Because right now 5 days on 8 hr shifts...
  17. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    Sounds like the reverse here. Medic school is only 3 days a week 8 hours (Clinical's and internship are in Round 2 & 3). Clinical's are twice a week with class once a week. Then internship is 3 12's. The accelerated nursing programs in my State usually are 5 days a week with 8 to 10 hours of...
  18. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    How is your class schedule? Yah yah dropped out before being accepted. Just too hard to swing financially. They hook you in because they are part time and acceptance isn't a lottery it's based off points.
  19. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    From what I hear only 1 program is doable to work in. Rest are full time a week and about 12 to 18 months. Some make you sign a contract to not work more than 16 hours a week. I feel if I could work nights it would be doable. That's why I was thinking go the Medic route. Could make the same...
  20. R

    Paramedic or LPN???

    ^^^ Psych Tech. Pay varies by location in the State. So do requirements and skills you can do. For my current job you need a Bachelors degree or Masters degree. You do phlebotomy, EEGs, blood sugars, vitals, facilitate groups, interview/chart on patients, and few other things.