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  1. 661 EMT

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    I took mine on a about a miserable weekend.... my wife almost killed me for talking about it all
  2. 661 EMT

    Forest Service and emergency med response?

    I appreciate you saying that as I worked on the Sequioa N.F. for years and probably have worked with you. And your right not being staffed 24/7 I could see how that would be a problem with dispatch.. I just think the system and cooperation between agencies could be way better. Too often have I...
  3. 661 EMT

    Liability for EMT-B Without Medical Direction

    I would advise getting your NR and worry about everything else later.... the last thing you wanna do is have to take the whole course over when you decide you want your EMT later..
  4. 661 EMT

    Taking BP Question?

    I don't usually palpate prior, but I have....I don' t think it'll matter either way as long as you're comfortable and can obtain an accurate reading. But on the flip side, if that's what the instructor wants then do'll find things are much different once you're in the field.... don't...
  5. 661 EMT

    Forest Service and emergency med response?

    I guess I just think it's in the publics best interests that engine crews that are available and medically trained be allowed to respond when there is a need especially in southern california where we are being used more and more for "all risk" assignments. Plus its not a good public image when...
  6. 661 EMT

    Forest Service and emergency med response?

    There is no medical direction, which I feel is something that should be changed somehow. I have responded to numerous accidents and rescues and worked in an emt role within the forest service but without any real guidance.... they don't recognize the position but want you to perform as one on...
  7. 661 EMT

    Forest Service and emergency med response?

    For those familiar with the forest service, who here agrees that steps should be taken to make forest service engines also respond for bls calls when the wait time on city, county, private companies have an extended response time? Almost every engine has an EMT and carry full bls equipment...
  8. 661 EMT

    NREMT Study Tips?

    My suggestions would be to download the DOT National Registry EMT Curriculum pdf. Just search it in google... it seems like a lot to read, but it pretty easy and all bullet points... a lot of questions are word for word from this source, since many class texts differ. Go over that then go over...
  9. 661 EMT


    Congrats on passing...
  10. 661 EMT


    Well found out this morning I passed... good luck to you..
  11. 661 EMT

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Woke up and checked this morning... I passed thought for sure I had failed....
  12. 661 EMT


    Thought Id weigh in on your post.... I was also an EMT for 10 years then let it lapse.. took the class again two years ago...then got busy with work and kids and just finally took my first test on Friday after only studying for a week....really don't expect to pass.. however having just taken it...
  13. 661 EMT

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Took the NREMT Basic at 1130 today.....bad choice taking it on a friday. Stopped at 70 sudden onset of stomach discomfort and walked out like "who the?, what the?, huh? I'll be honest, I'm pretty sure I failed it first time out. It's been two years since the class, and I only studied a week...