NREMT Study Tips?


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I recently passed my skills test, and will be taking my NREMT-B within the next month. I finished my EMT Basic class back in the beginning of December, so I haven't been in class for awhile and I'm a bit worried about the written portion. What free practice testing sites/apps or possible inexpensive practice books do y'all recommend? The ones I have tried mix up ALS and BLS questions, so it's not very helpful..
My suggestions would be to download the DOT National Registry EMT Curriculum pdf. Just search it in google... it seems like a lot to read, but it pretty easy and all bullet points... a lot of questions are word for word from this source, since many class texts differ. Go over that then go over it again... also go back to the basics, know all your glossary terms and definitions, as well as remember your abc's... remember the order of operations and never let anything distract you from the proper order of things... I used Pearson EMT achieve, pretty good it might give you some areas to hone in on... be careful spending money on other sites... people say don't overthink a question... I say scrutinize every question, really read attention to what it is they're asking, narrow it down to two possible answers, and then select the best.... I'm not an expert.... but hopefully something helps... don't freak out where the test cuts off... and DO NOT TAKE IT on a it will be a miserable weekend waiting while you go over and over in your mind " knowing for sure you failed" good luck!
I took my NREMT last month and I was using EMTPREP.COM to help me study.
It's worth the $30 a month because it goes over every sections in the NREMT and helps you prepare for it with similar scenario based questions on the NREMT. Goodluck.