Search results

  1. R

    Paramedic Job California

    Paramedics sought by Del Norte Ambulance Your opportunity to be a 9-1-1 paramedic may be in Northwest California. Del Norte Ambulance, in beautiful Del Norte County, is seeking full-time paramedics. We're looking for paramedics who are able to work with standing orders, have the ability to...
  2. R

    Why can't Paramedics act off duty?

    I work in northern CA and have a clause in my employment that states that as soon as the ambulance shows up or responds I turn into a fully active ALS provider. Again, the problem is that I don't carry any meds, IV supplies, etc. to do anything anyway without the ambulance being there but its...
  3. R

    Convincing a patient to be transported

    Screw that....principle of autonomy....if they don't want to go they can call us back when they do....sign here. Meeting criteria of course (I.e. Non suicidal, AO, etc.)
  4. R

    pants trade

    Hey guys/girls. I am wanting to trade some Propper 32-34 and 34-34 pants (black) gently used for pretty much any main brand (ie., propper, 5.11, etc.) EMS pants. They just have to be navy blue because my department does NOT allow black.
  5. R

    EMT to Paramedic to RN

    Just know that in any medical field, experience is your currency with the way the market is going right now.
  6. R

    EMT to Paramedic to RN

    Metaphysics...This might help. First, like stated earlier, the models for paramedic and nursing are very very different. Add the stigma placed on both fields toward the other field and you have a crap throwing contest when the two fields should be working together. The nursing model, as I...
  7. R

    Double Poisoning

    Yeah I would have called poison control. Did they say that they had thrown up immediately after ingesting the soap? That could have saved them a great deal of gastric burning due to the caustic nature of H2O2.
  8. R

    Double Poisoning

    Oxy clean breaks down into hydrogen peroxide which the body can handle but only in small amounts...what was the end result? Did you call the ER and follow up?
  9. R

    boots and pants

    sorry, it does have pockets...just normal ones.
  10. R

    boots and pants

    I dont know about the side zipped....I had a pair and they were uber easy to take off but at 2 am when tones went off I was a monkey humping a football. They have front zip that open up wider so that when you dont know up from down its harder to miss. lol. As far as pants..propper makes a pretty...
  11. R

    Standardized STEMI Identification Assessment

    So ischemia will show up in like....V1-V4 as opposed to just V1 and 2? If it just shows up in V1 and V2 I am looking for elevation in II, III, and aVF?
  12. R

    ECG Quesction

    Had a call once of a dude that had 'no medical history'...youre sure? yes absolutely no history of any medical conditions...never been to the doctor? Ok....well, ok...we hook him up to an ecg and about 2 milliseconds after he says, "oh here is a card that my cardiologist gave me." It was a post...
  13. R

    Standardized STEMI Identification Assessment

    So wait..explain the st-depression again. This was a big source for debate in my medic class. So how I was taught is that if there is depression in II, III or avf there will be elevation in one of the other set of leads and vice versa (that was how they explained reciprocal determinism). Explain...
  14. R

    Basic->Medic or Basic->AEMT->Medic

    I despise medics (any EMT) that hide behind their "experience" card and dont keep hitting the books and train 24/7. While at my clinical rotations I watched medics play endless madden and then asked me the signs and symptoms of increased ICP...I was fresh in the books so I was able to rattle...
  15. R

    Basic->Medic or Basic->AEMT->Medic

    Great Depression 1: run on the banks. Great depression 2: run on the schools
  16. R

    Basic->Medic or Basic->AEMT->Medic

    Dont just pick on CA, Utah is the exact same....they certify so many medics that just end up in the ER with the scope of a basic.
  17. R

    I did what?

    honestly if its just for class...go down to Walmart and get yourself some ****ies with cargo pockets. get a seam ripper and get rid of the red "****ies" tag and there ya go!
  18. R

    Will a history of mental illness as a minor keep me from getting a job?

    I got my bachelors in psychology and I will tell you that everyfreakingone has ADHD and Depression. Those are the most thrown around diagnosis EVER! just because a doctor once upon a time slapped that on you doesnt mean anything. In fact even for military service if you list it what they will do...
  19. R

    Reflex Bradycardia with Atropine

    yep atropine first unless its an av brady then go straight to pacing. you can try atropine on a block but it wont work
  20. R

    Reflex Bradycardia with Atropine

    Or junctional rhythm