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  1. C

    Patch Question...I'm not worthy!

    Thanks, makes sense
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    Patch Question...I'm not worthy!

    I just got hired as a new EMT-B, thought they were putting me on a truck but turns out they want me to be a chair car driver for awhile since I don't have experience. Anyway, what do you all think of somebody with no experience wearing their patches? (state and NREMT) I feel like I shouldn't...
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    Hey thanks to all, I am considering going on to be a medic in time, and your suggestions to learn the conditions and meds are great. Thanks again...
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    How's it goin? I just became a NREMT-B, got a job offer, was told it would be completely IFT's. I'm taking it as I need the work and the competition is intense around here. I am just wondering what am I in for? Been reading the posts that IFT's are for losers and so on. I just want some...
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    Why does everyone think becoming an EMT-B is so easy

    Wow you're angry! As a medical professional I'm sure you are aware there are numerous medications available that could ease your suffering. Once again I am sorry for offending you. I think that I will refrain from reading these replies any further, good luck...
  6. C

    New Massachusetts EMT's plz help

    Hi, I got my NREMT card and certificate a few days ago, I scanned the card and emailed it to OEMS and I am wondering how long will it take for me to receive my MA cert in the mail? The letter I got said I can't work in MA till I get the certificate, so I am putting off applying anywhere till I...
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    Why does everyone think becoming an EMT-B is so easy

    Can we drop it now? You are right, I am wrong. You are smart, I am stupid. You are very attractive, I am hideously ugly...:blink:
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    Why does everyone think becoming an EMT-B is so easy

    Thanks for the tip, I passed my NREMT and am feeling a lot better about it all. I wrote that post after too much stress (in my life and dealing with the NREMT exam) I feel stupid now for ranting and I've apologized to everyone on this site. I've been looking in the mirror.... I LOVE WHAT I...
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    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Took it Friday 1pm, found out today I passed (I am dumbfounded) they cut me off at around 70.....I was so sure I failed as I didn't know most of the answers, just guessed! I studied hard too! But someone told me they were educated guesses...HA! I think for once in my life I just got lucky!!! :D
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    My sincere apologies...I PASSED

    It must be if I did it!!! Now I am just like James Bond, I have a license to kill (KIDDING) Thanks, I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    My sincere apologies...I PASSED

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:P
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    My sincere apologies...I PASSED

    I wish to apologize to everyone for my ranting and raving and generally being unstable... I passed the written NREMT and I freaked out for nothing! Maybe my example will be of benefit to someone else out there, to remain calm and not think the worst. Thank you for your support, I was a tough...
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    Why does everyone think becoming an EMT-B is so easy

    Thanks to the people who have a heart:D
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    Why does everyone think becoming an EMT-B is so easy

    Oh go take a bath, you don't know me or my intelligence level
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    massachusetts psiexam website difficulties

    Oh yeah and one more thing, why didn't your school schedule your practical exam for you?? Mine did, then it was up to us to schedule the written. I would just call them to put your mind at ease. Take care bud!!
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    massachusetts psiexam website difficulties

    Thanks Tig, I got a grip!
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    massachusetts psiexam website difficulties

    Stevio, I private messaged you with the website for oems, I think we will be fine, I've calmed down and now realize I will do this, and so can you! One of the kids in my class got me so nervous about this cuz he failed, but everybody is different. I am sorry I caused you any worry!!!!
  18. C

    Why does everyone think becoming an EMT-B is so easy

    Thanks very much to all of you, yes I guess I did overreact. I had a couple beers and tend to become somewhat excitable after drinking (I'm Irish) I'll just keep trying. What was upsetting was at my training school they prepared us for the PSI exam and MA switched the week of the course...
  19. C

    Why does everyone think becoming an EMT-B is so easy

    You must have misread my post, I never thought it would be easy, I was stating most people I encounter do. I've studied long and hard, I am not dumb by any means, I made the dean's list at a college I attended in the past. I've given this my all and I really do mean MY ALL!!! Well, I will not...