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    New to testing

    I more then anything want to and no I can be a great EMS worker. I know my skills based on what i have learned and I can accomplish them with ease and learning. But my downfall is the stupid testing. Its not necessarly stupid but the way the multiple choices are put are tricky. They test your...
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    Scenario websites

    I know this might sound dumb but are there any websites or forums that focus on scenarios that people can answer and practice assesing for different situations with patients?
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    Finnaly got in

    I finnaly got into the EMT acadamy and Im loving it. Its my 2nd attempt to getting in and now Im in and on my way to become a full fledged EMS worker. It seems hard but not hard if you want to do it. I cant wait to get into deeper things. Ill let you guys know, even though nobody knows me.
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    Anybody in Cali know wages?

    Anyone in southern California know how much the basic EMT gets and around how much it pays when you become a paramedic. I make 10/hr at my job now and to be able to do this kind of work for a little more or have future prospects for more would be great. Just looking for some personal responses...
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    Diddent get into the class

    Im bummed, I diddent get into the class for EMT. I was going through RCC and I missed my spot by 6 min. That blows. Is there any other training facitilitys I can go to for those that live in Riverside County, CA. Otherwise gotta wait 2 more months AGAIN....
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    Medical Terminology

    I have a question. I begin EMT-B courses in 3 months, and Its a direct cirrioculum. I was told that Medical Terminiology is not required but is very helpful. Is it that its helpful for my general Knowledge of EMS work or is it crucial to actually passing the EMT-B course. I ahve the Medical...
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    How do I get ride alongs

    Can I just call a local Ambulance/Fire station/Hospital to ask for potential RIde alongs or do I need to have some kind of training or procedure before asking. And how do I ask, I dont want to look stupid. I got my BLS CPR card and I start school this June but until then I am sitting here...
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    Silly but successful

    Its a silly thing to post but personally for me it marks what I feel I can naturally do and physicall do. I finished my CPR class today with flying colors and the best part was that I never in my life practiced such techniques yet it all came natural. I cant wait to start school this summer.
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    EMS shows

    I was just wondering. I live in Southern CA and I was wondering are there any shows or channels that cater to EMS stories. Thanks
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    Info a EMS in different states.

    Is there a refrence I can look at that tells the different regulations for EMS workers in different states. It seems that rules and procedures change from state to state and would like to read about it for general knowledge. Thanks
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    Am I counted out as an EMS worker

    I am a Type 1 diabetic, I read that I cant get a Ambulence license because IM diabetic. Does this mean I cant be an EMS worker. I had high hopes for this and now they are all shot. I just want to rescue, help and be part of a team and its sad to think that I cant do that because I cant drive an...
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    What about a Diabetic EMS worker?

    I saw the thread about HIV and EMS work, but what about Diabetes. I know its not contagious and probley quite silly to question but im type 1 and in very much control of my disease and is it common, uncommon or rare to see such indivisuals in the EMS field of work. regardless of the response I...
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    New to EMS interest

    Hello my name is Jason and I have been jumping from school to school looking for what would suit me best. Until recently I had an epihany that EMS is the way to go. I am always working jobs ( like retail, Stockroom work, ect...) that take advantage of my kind nature and my eager need to help...