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    IFT Companies So Cal

    P1 Ambulance removed by poster
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    Express Ambulance in La Mesa?

    Thx for the information mate. If anyone else has useful information, please share.
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    Express Ambulance in La Mesa?

    Hi all, Anyone a current or recent employee of Express Ambulance in La Mesa? I'm hoping to learn about the management, work environment & co-workers, quality of rigs, shift types, etc. Any advice would be very much appreciated!
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    a "incident"

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    a "incident"

    Seriously? Again with the whole picking sides thing? Maybe you aren't reading because I keep saying the sides don't matter as much as dealing with the situation. However, since you keep bringing it up: OP recalls doing nothing which might have to started this whole dilemma, I don't have the...
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    a "incident"

    If you read the entire statement. I mean that it wasn't his fault that the other person chose to say those things over the radio, BUT how he reacts is totally in his control (and therefore, his responsibility).
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    a "incident"

    This has already been mentioned in the discussion many times... If, and this is "if" you were referring to me. Since your last post you told me to grow up for picking sides. Read what I wrote: I empathize with the OP. If you read what I originally wrote and think I picked sides, then...
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    a "incident"

    You already posted this. No need to keep saying the same thing over and over, but unlike your comments, others have actually left constructive feedback for the OP.
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    a "incident"

    He didn't ask for an answer. He asked for comments, suggestions, thoughts. If you don't like the "whine and cry" then don't read the thread and don't respond to it, that's simple enough... right? What "decision" did I make? There is no decision TO be made, I stated an opinion and that...
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    a "incident"

    Honestly, I don't think any of this "grow up...", "you're getting written up and unpaid vacation" stuff is helping. I think it's a bit ridiculous that someone is sincerely asking you all for advice, but some of the responses given are the most unprofessional I've heard in a while. medicnick83...
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    interviewers aint looking for honesty, they're looking for the best liars

    How come you brought this up? I've got some... But there is no scientific correlation between these things and feeling entitled. I think you're just looking for a way to judge others? I wanted to thank akflightmeidc, fast65 and tigger for the post you wrote. They were fantastic, regardless of...
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    Tattoos with Bowers/Pacific?

    I threw in the towel during my last post. I was trying to say it was a silly kind of stupid, and didn't mean it in a demeaning way... I don't know... you're kind of making a big deal out of it. I told ya I was sorry if I offended you. You're here too. You're right, it's not...
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    Tattoos with Bowers/Pacific?

    Just sounds like you're throwing a fit, sorry your thread ended up this way. You wanted to throw your beliefs about tattoos what that means in a professional environment and some people didn't agree, but if you actually read through the thread you lost every argument because you couldn't back up...
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    Tattoos with Bowers/Pacific?

    How are we being childish? You're blowing it out of the water. I thought we were having a conversation. You asked "how was I complaining", etc - and I answered you. But now you're doing the whole "I'm gonna be the better person and stop first" thing? It's not about who is wrong or right. I...
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    Tattoos with Bowers/Pacific?

    I said you were complaining because: 1) It sounded like you were complaining here. 2) It sounded like you were complaining here. 3) It sounded like you were complaining here. A point that another fellow mentioned. You clearly knew what you were doing but it seems you felt your freedom...
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    Tattoos with Bowers/Pacific?

    I wanted to chime in on this topic: First of all, *Sigh*. I see the different arguments/sides here, and certainly I agree with some more than others. Yes, It is absolutely your choice to get tats and you've made the decision(s) well aware of what it can do to your career - which is...