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  1. J

    Does your department have a web site?

    small private ambulance company in Denver Colorado
  2. J

    IV tubing art

    love the fish! these are awesome, thanks for sharing
  3. J

    Getting (and staying) Fit

    first of all congratulations on starting a new career and knowing that it requires a life style change! in terms of walking around, maybe put light weight ankle weights on throughout the day, that will help with overall leg strength (which is a huge help when lifting a heavy pram). also if you...
  4. J

    First interview! Got the Job!

    Congratulations! I had the same thing happen here in Denver, everyone keeps telling me to know my protocols, and ask tons of questions. your FTO should always be willing to answer your questions or explain what is going on
  5. J

    EMT Job Interview

    I would always suggest being dressed in professional clothes, and maybe bring your EMT gear in the back of your car just in case they want you to run a scenario. the company I work for not only required business clothes for the interview their NEO required it to. It is still a professional job...
  6. J

    Rural Metro San DiegoSorry to bug you over summer but as I recall you work for Rural

    well I am not sure if Rural metro San Diego is the same as Denver but they have to be pretty similar. Here they involve an oral interview, written, and a scenario which is normally a cor, diabetic, or psych pt. It is always worth it to call the company and ask about your application/if they are...
  7. J

    Do's and Dont's of applications?

    i agree with everyone else that a portfolio is not appropriate for the work place, that belongs in interviews for grad schools and additional schooling. also be careful with how much you brag about yourself, because no matter how well you did in class, nothing is the same when you actually get...
  8. J

    Just Getting Started!

    The NREMT was just a combination of all the tests you take in class, if you study for those and keep refreshing on that material then the NREMT shouldn't be that bad. Good luck, enjoy the class and your ride alongs!
  9. J

    First Interview

    call them back, make sure they know you really want the job
  10. J

    How the hiring process goes?

    Make sure you apply to hospitals, private companies, and some fire stations hire EMT-B's also, be sure to include some of the companies Mission Statement in your cover letter
  11. J

    Action Care Ambulance

    I forgot to mention that! sorry Action care is in denver :)
  12. J

    Action Care Ambulance

    Hi! I have an interview for Action Care ambulances this monday, and I am unsure what to expect. Has anyone interviewed with them?