Search results

  1. thowle

    stabbing at a local high school

    Wow, that's just insane. People need to just "chill" with the drama, especially in the high-school setting/environment. It doesn't take much for someone to get worked up just because someone called their mom ugly, or some crazy stuff like that. This also shows that a need for security, or...
  2. thowle

    Electronic Patient Care Reports suggestions

    I hear you on the first two statements ;) But don't worry, there are always other ways to go about things. I think it would be quiet cool to have a client interface (being the software installed on the portable units), and of course a management and server interface (that would be at the...
  3. thowle

    Help me decide.. Boots.

    If I were you, I'd get the side-zip boots. I have a pair that is, and a pair that isn't ... the ones with the zipper on the side are easier to don, atleast in the sense that you don't have to "waste" time tying the laces .. you can just slip, slide, zip, and run.. or walk, or whatever you want...
  4. thowle

    About the NREMT website.

    I completely agree with you ... their website is packed with information, but finding it is the hard part -- it's not exactly in the "order" you would expect, or atleast not for me. As for the tests, well... I thought it was actually easier than the tests given in-course, but the questions on...
  5. thowle

    Tactical EMS

    I would agree that tactical training paired with EMS training (whether it be EMT-B, or EMT-P) would be extremely beneficial, especially in the setting described. I mean, really there isn't really a "draw-back" out there, unless I'm skipping over something? They would both compliment each...
  6. thowle

    Ambulance clinicals

    Better luck to you, as opposed to the luck I had. We were required to have twenty-four hours total, 12-hours hospital ER time, and 12-hours EMS ride-time. I stayed the full 12-hours in one day at a "relatively" local ambulance provider, and only had two calls. None of which had major...
  7. thowle

    Proper Spelling? Another look...

    I guess that goes to show how powerful the brain is, when in order to actually "read", or comprehend what's meant to be portrayed in a writing while it's "messed" up such as that. But hey, I do agree with SeanM028 -- that is really annoying when you attempt to read a post, and the entire...
  8. thowle

    NEED help using the KED

    I was taught that it was "My Baby Looks Hot Tonight", for "Middle", "Bottom", "Legs", "Head", and then "Top". Not exactly positive that the difference between doing the top strap before the head straps is going to differ between a passing and failing score; but I would say just as long as you...
  9. thowle

    I love being an EMT!

    Before taking an EMT course, I was a software development engineer and software designer, and the Assistant Chief of a local fire department. The original "reason" for taking the course was so that I could better our community medical response, since the closest EMS was approx. 15 minutes away...
  10. thowle

    Any NM EMTs, help wanted :D

    I agree with FireCoints, stick to your textbooks, and ANY information that was given to you by the state board of Emergency Medical services. All materials, such as those will aid you in your test, whether it be practical skills, or "actual" knowledge.
  11. thowle

    Just finished for NREMT

    Congratulations! Good job with passing the NREMT, it wasn't is hard as everyone said it was going to be, was it?