I love being an EMT!


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I was wondering what we all did as jobs or careers before EMS? I worked in a factory for 8 years and was beyond "burn out". I wanted to do something where i was appreciated and made a difference. so my husband talked me into becoming an EMT. I went back to school and here i am loving to go to my job everyday. Sorry if I sound like an ITT comercial lol :P. It is therapudic for me. I was at my witts end at the factory. some boss always looking over my shoulder. they treated us like robots. Whats your story?
I am still working my full time job in computers due to stock options and salary. I am definitely burned out and looking forward to when I can work full time in EMS.

But volunteering as an EMT is where my passion is. Everyone I work with knows it. I'd rather be an EMT than anything else. I probably spend almost as much time volunteering as I do at my full time job.
I am also a volunteer firefighter/EMT at my towns volunteer fire dept.

My full time job (just got promoted TODAY! ) I am a Senior Socio-therapist at a diagnostic home for children. I work with children from 5-14, most have mental, emotional and behavioral issues. Most have experienced neglect, sexual abuse, physical & emotional abuse also.

I hope to go back to school sometime in the near future for nursing though!

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Most of the work I did was in fast food, retail, or some other type of customer service. The last few years prior to becoming an EMT, I worked as an Assistant Manager for a local Taco Bell chain. I was starting to get into the burn-out phase of that career. Now I work as a driver/tech for a commercial ambuance company. I can't say that I like going to work everyday now, but this job is just a place-holder, or foot on the first rung of the ladder, as it were, until I can get into more interesting aspects of EMS.
I only had two jobs prior to EMS. I worked at a children's museum for 7 years, and retail for 2 years. I miss both jobs, but I love EMS.

My husband was a general contractor before becoming a paramedic and my day job is as an office manager/bookeeper for an engineering firm.
I spent about 10 years as a lab tech. I did QC for Coca-Cola in Indy, and also worked in a few microbiology labs testing food. I absolutely HATED getting up and going to work each day.

Since becoming an EMT a little over 8 years ago, I have worked for a pediatrician, in the Hem-Oc department at the local children's hospital, private ambulance service, hospital based 911 service, and now fire based civilian EMS. I love the people I work with and what I do. My only regret is that I didn't jump into this sooner.
Before gettting into EMS I was a Lifeguard. One of the FD members that taught our annual CPR training was also an EMT Instructor so he recommended I try it. The rest is history. Ancient I might add :-)
Financial company for three months. Then training. After that, (hopefully) medical jobs all the way. As long as there's an opening, I'm willing to do it.
Before taking an EMT course, I was a software development engineer and software designer, and the Assistant Chief of a local fire department. The original "reason" for taking the course was so that I could better our community medical response, since the closest EMS was approx. 15 minutes away, and our department offered a medical response service as well.