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    Project Medishare or Similar Organizations

    MediMike & n7lxi - Why did you go with EMPACT instead of directly through project Medishare?
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    Project Medishare or Similar Organizations

    My school gives me 3 weeks to volunteer with an organization in late May to early June. I'd love to use this time to work with a group like Project Medishare. I know they've been discussed on here before, but I'm also looking for other organizations doing similar work either in the US...
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    Medical Control Question

    Thanks. Yeah - I know it's a big maybe. I mainly just posted to see if it's even a remote possibility before I start dealing with state bureaucracies.
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    Medical Control Question

    I'm going to be working at a residential summer camp this summer as a counselor but will also be expected to assist in medical emergencies. Can I operate under my EMT scope of practice? There is an MD at the location full-time - can she function as my medical control? Also, my certification is...
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    EMS and 911 System

    While we always try to follow the patient's preference for the hospital they want to go to, we often give advice. For example, we are roughly equidistant from 2 hospitals (roughly 10-15 min. transport). However one is generally considered to be a better hospital and most patients request...
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    Thoughts on a new stethoscope.

    I hate to be the one to respond to a thread with a link to another thread, but there's a massive discussion of stethoscopes here:
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    EMT employment for 18 y/o

    This. Money is great, but volunteering will get you experience and get you connections with some paid EMTs & medics which will be useful when looking for a paid gig.
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    NJ Gasoline Shortage

    Hope everyone helping out with Sandy recovery or who helped out suring the storm is staying safe. Does anyone in NJ know of gas stations giving priority to EMTs for POV fuel?
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    Hurricane Sandy

    Hospital Evacuation The NJ EMS Task Force is facilitating the evacuation of Hoboken UMC in NJ. Over 40 ambulances and 4 Medical Ambulance Buses are operating at the scene. FYI, the task force is providing...
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    Summer Jobs

    Anyone have suggestions for possible summer jobs in NJ?
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    Summer Jobs

    Amusement parks, stadiums, and summer camps sometimes hire EMTs. Also check with state parks.
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    Help identifying stethoscope

    Looks like an ADC Sprague. These are generally cheap scopes and therefore often provided by squads. I had one of these. Parts are generally hard to find and it's often cheaper to buy a new scope or spring for a Littman.
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    Rain Gear

    Lucky you. My squad issues us day-glow winter jackets made at the cheapest cost possible. The ones they purchased last year are already falling apart.
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    Rain Gear

    What's your favorite rain jacket? If you have rain pants as well, which ones do you like - do they double as snow pants as well?
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    Moving from Colorado to the D.C. area

    They are, but they are a volunteer & paid service that takes EMT only members.
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    Moving from Colorado to the D.C. area

    Unfortunately, AU doesn't have an on-campus EMS organization and the only EMS in DC is the DCFD. The Glen Echo FD is easily accessible by public transportation though, and they take volunteers.
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    Here's what NJ requires all ambulances to carry:
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    They're led by our Deputy Fire Chief and do some joint trainings with my volley squad and the FD.
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    My town has had one for a while, but it's just recently becoming more active. They've been present at large events (e.g. July 4). It doesn't really make sense for me to become active with them since any time they're needed, I'll be busy on the ambulance.
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    Medical Mission Trips in Haiti

    Sounds like an extremely meaningful experience! If anyone is looking for a similar opportunity, check out Project Medishare. They operate Haiti's only trauma center and take EMT & Paramedic volunteers as well. A lot of members of a volley squad in my area have volunteered there and have had...